Summary of the targets and supporting policies of prefabricated buildings throughout the country in 2019 (III)






Target: By the end of 2020, the proportion of green buildings in newly-built civil buildings in the province will exceed 50%. The newly-built prefabricated construction area in the province accounts for 15% of the total newly-built construction area.


——"Implementation Opinions on Promoting Green Building in Liaoning Province"


Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


Ulan Qab


Target: By 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new construction area will reach about 5%, of which the proportion of government-invested engineering projects in prefabricated buildings will account for about 50% of the new construction area, and the full renovation rate of residential construction projects will be increased year by year; In 2022, the city's prefabricated buildings will account for about 15% of new construction, of which government-invested engineering projects prefabricated buildings will account for about 60% of the new construction area; by 2025, the city's prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of new construction, of which, government-invested construction projects account for about 70% of newly-built construction area.


Support: land security; any state-approved assembly-type industrial base that meets enterprises with an annual production capacity of more than 50,000 m3 and an investment scale of more than 100 million yuan. After the investment reaches production, due to insufficient construction tasks, the annual sales volume has not reached 3 For the production base of 10,000 m3, the government gives 2 million yuan in subsidies; financial services; transportation support.


——"Implementation Opinions of the People's Government of Ulan Qab City on Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings"




Target: By the end of 2020, the proportion of assembled buildings will reach more than 20% and the proportion of green buildings will be continuously increased.


--Hohhot Housing Development Plan (2020)






Target: By 2022, build three urban steel structure assembly demonstration projects and 1-2 light steel structure rural housing demonstration villages, set a benchmark for large-scale promotion and application, and accumulate experience.


Support: Each city or state can grant appropriate financial incentives to demonstration projects and industrial bases based on financial resources.


——"Qinghai Province Pilot Program for Promoting the Construction of Steel Structure Prefabricated Housing"






Target: In 2019, the new construction area of prefabricated buildings shall account for no less than 25% of new buildings in the main urban area, and no less than 18% in counties (cities).


Support: If the portion of the prefabricated exterior wall area of the building that adopts the technical products of assembled construction is over 3%. it will not included in the building floor area ratio.


——Liaocheng city 2019 assembly building implementation requirements




Target: Incorporate the requirements of assembled buildings into project construction condition opinions, clarify the proportion of assembled buildings in new buildings, and the proportion of assembled buildings in new buildings will reach more than 20% in 2019.


——The key points of the assessment of green building and assembled building work in Zibo City in 2019




Target: Comprehensively adopt the construction requirements of assembled building technology in the construction of affordable housing and government-invested projects such as primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, hospitals and sports stadiums.


——Notification of the task objectives and work requirements for the development of green buildings and assembled buildings in Linyi in 2019




Support: demonstration projects of assembled buildings with assembly rate of 50% or more (including 50%) will be given to 100 yuan/m2 incentive, capped at 5 million yuan for a single project. 1 million yuan incentive for assembled buildings and ultra-low energy building construction education base.


——Notice on Organizing and Declaring the 2019 Award Funds for Green Buildings and Assembled Buildings in Qingdao City.






Target: By 2020, initially establish steel structure assembled housing technical standards system, quality and safety supervision in line with the demand of Shandong Province, forming a perfect steel structure assembled housing industry chain. By 2021, more than 3 million m2 of new steel structure assembled houses will be built in the province, of which new steel assembled structure in key promotion areas will be more than 2 million m2, basically forming steel structure construction industry clusters in southwest Lu, central Lu and Jiaodong.


Support: increase financial support and give financial incentives to projects and industrial bases with demonstration significance. Steel structure assembled residential projects are given certain FAR incentives according to regulations, and the base for calculating the project quality deposit can be deducted from the prefabricated components. Value section. For steel-frame assembled commercial residential projects, the pre-sale conditions and regulatory standards and regulatory capital retention ratios may be reduced. The specific measures are to be formulated by each district and city.


——Shandong Province Pilot Programme to Promote the Construction of Steel-framed Assembled Houses




Target: The proportion of newly constructed prefabricated construction area in the city shall account for 20% of new construction area in 2019, 30% in 2020, and 40% in 2025. Among them, the total area ratio of the six districts and Penglai City is not less than 25% in 2019, not less than 35% in 2020, and not less than 45% in 2025; other counties and cities are not less than 15% in 2019 and not less than 2020 25%, not less than 35% by 2025.


Support: FAR incentives; fiscal and tax incentives; credit support.


——Opinions on further promoting the development of prefabricated buildings in Yantai City




Target: Newly-built public rental housing in urban planning areas, shantytown renovation and resettlement housing and other projects are fully implemented in assembly construction. Government investment projects should use assembly technology for construction. Assembled construction in other social investment projects accounts for more than 30% of new construction .


Support: Building floor area ratio reward. Financial support.


——The Jinan Housing and Construction Bureau and three other departments jointly issued a document on the implementation of the "Shandong Province Green Building Promotion Measures




Target: From 2020 to 2025, the central urban project should reach 25%, 28%, 31%, 34%, 37%, and 40%, respectively; the county (city) project should reach 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40% or more, respectively.


Support: FAR incentives. High-quality prefabricated construction projects supported by special funds.


——Dezhou's Opinions on the Implementation of "Shandong Province Green Building Promotion Measures"




Target: By 2020, the proportion of newly-built prefabricated buildings in all development zones of various districts and municipalities will account for 25% of new construction area, and 15% in counties and cities; in 2022, the prefabricated prefabricated buildings of all development zones in all districts and municipalities will take up the proportion of new construction area 30%, and 20% in all counties and cities; in 2025, the proportion of newly-built prefabricated buildings in the city will account for 40% of the new construction area. The prefabricated construction method will have become one of the main construction methods, forming a group of advantageous enterprises as the core and covering all assembled construction industrial clusters in the industry chain.


Support: 1. Give priority to support the land used for assembly-type construction industry, tax incentives for high-tech enterprises; credit support.


——Weifang City's implementation plan for vigorously developing prefabricated buildings






Support: In the prefabricated construction projects, the "Operation Opinions on Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Residential Buildings with Steel Structures" will be awarded a reward of 100 yuan/m2 for prefabricated construction demonstration projects with a single assembly rate of more than 50% (including 50%). A single project capped 5 million yuan. The prefabricated building and ultra-low-energy building construction education base will be awarded 1 million yuan.


——Key Points of Building Energy Conservation and Technology Work in 2019






Target: For the above projects invested by the government and fully invested by state-owned enterprises in urban areas of each city, the construction projects of social investment in the area of the implementation of assembled buildings, with a total construction area of 10,000 m2 and above, should strictly implement the "Opinions on the Implementation of Vigorous Development of Assembled Buildings" and adopt assembled buildings.


Support: various enterprises of assembled construction with good performance in the construction of assembled construction projects and strong innovation and development capacity shall be given priority to declare high-tech enterprises; projects with a high level of application of assembled construction technology shall be given priority to participate in evaluation and selection activities such as green buildings and provincial-level national science and technology awards.


——Shanxi Province to further regulate and strengthen the work of assembled buildings

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