The second Jiangsu Prefabricated Construction Vocational Skills Competition kicked off in Xuzhou City



The 2nd Jiangsu Prefabricated Construction Vocational Skills Competition opens

Match scene

Match scene

From November 6th to 8th, the second Jiangsu Province Prefabricated Construction Vocational Skills Competition was held in Xuzhou City. 86 teams from 13 districts and cities across the province participated.

The Jiangsu Provincial Prefabricated Construction Vocational Skills Competition is organized and initiated by Jiangsu Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Development Department, Human Resources and Social Security Department and other units. The competition projects are mainly divided into three projects: concrete component production, concrete component assembly and concrete component grouting. The content of the competition is divided into two parts: theoretical knowledge and practical operation, with theory accounting for 30% and practical operation accounting for 70%. The total score is calculated by combining the two. In this competition hosted by Xuzhou City, the actual venue of the competition was selected in the prefabricated construction industry base of XCMG Group. 840 contestants signed up to participate, which was larger than the scale of the first one.

In 2020, the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Jiangsu Province will be the first nationwide to include prefabricated construction vocational skill training units and vocational skill level certification institutions into the relevant provincial catalogs. At present, there are 28 special ability training demonstration bases in the whole province, which have trained approximately 100,000 relevant personnel.

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