The subject of "Research on the Modernization Development of Shaoxing Construction Industry" passed the acceptance


On November 3, the Shaoxing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized well-known experts in the province and the Shaoxing Finance Bureau, the Development and Reform Commission, the Laws and Regulations Office, natural Resources and Planning Bureau and other relevant functional departments to check and accept the research project of the "Research on the Modernization of Shaoxing Construction Industry" undertaken by Zhejiang University of Technology. Zhang Xuefeng, senior engineer of Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group, made a report on the research results on behalf of the research group.

The research topic "Research on the Modernization Development of Construction Industry in Shaoxing City" was commissioned by the Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau of Shaoxing City, aiming at promoting the modernization development of the construction industry in Shaoxing City in recent years. Analyze the achievements and existing problems in the process of advancement, and then put forward constructive countermeasures and suggestions, and provide effective decision-making basis for the upcoming New Deal of Shaoxing City.

Group led by Zhejiang University of Technology Group Engineering Technology R & D Center, joint school of civil engineering, design and architecture, based on the national and modernization of the construction industry in Zhejiang Province, combined with the characteristics of the development of Shaoxing City, more than three months through visits, talks, questionnaires and other ways of Shaoxing around the authorities, industry alliances, various industry associations and construction, design, construction, prefabricated parts More than 50 units, such as manufacturers, carried out extensive and in-depth research, comprehensively sorted out Shaoxing as the first national assembly building demonstration city in the policy system, project promotion, industrial clusters, science and technology research and development, personnel training and other aspects of the important achievements. At the same time, the research report objectively analyzed the problems in the promotion process, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the modernization of Shaoxing's construction industry in terms of policy management, technological upgrading and industrial development.

Participating leaders and experts fully affirmed the results of the project and agreed that: The supporting materials for the research results of the subject are detailed, comprehensive, and pertinent. The countermeasures and suggestions are in line with the development status of Shaoxing City, are forward-looking, and have important reference value for formulating Shaoxing City's construction industry modernization development policy.

In recent years, the Engineering Design Group of Zhejiang University of Technology has taken the lead in carrying out the research and engineering application of modernization technology for the new construction industry. It has been successively selected as the national prefabricated construction industry base and the first batch of construction industrialization demonstration enterprises in Zhejiang Province. It has multiple scientific research platforms such as "Zhejiang Prefabricated Concrete Industrial Construction Engineering Technology Research Center" and "Hangzhou New Prefabricated Building High-tech Research and Development Center" recognized by Zhejiang Science and Technology Department. It has undertaken more than ten provincial and ministerial-level scientific research projects related to prefabricated construction, and compiled more than ten relevant national and local regulations. More than 20 national invention patents have been approved, more than 70 prefabricated architectural designs and EPC projects of various types have been completed, and many projects have won Zhejiang "Qianjiang Cup" Quality Engineering Award.

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