Summary of the targets and supporting policies of prefabricated buildings throughout the country in 2019 (II)






Target: By 2022, cultivate more than 5 provincial steel structure assembled industrial bases and 2-3 steel structure general contracting qualified enterprises, build 10 urban steel structure assembled housing demonstration projects, actively carry out assembled farm houses pilot, explore the construction of light steel structure farm houses demonstration villages 1-2, through scientific research and project practice, focus on solving the steel structure assembled housing "three board" supporting, product functions, system integration and quality of quality of the outstanding problems, and accumulate experience for large-scale popularization and application.


Support: for steel structure assembled housing projects, the assembly rate of 50% given not more than 20 yuan/m2 of rewards and compensation, up to 60% given not more than 30 yuan/m2 meter of rewards and compensation, individual rewards and compensation of not more than 3 million yuan; encourage all kinds of financial institutions to meet the conditions of the enterprise actively open green channel, increase credit support; corresponding tax preferential policies.


——Henan Province Pilot Implementation Plan for the Construction of Steel Structure Assembled Houses






Target: By 2020, the construction area of the whole province will be not less than 10 million m2. Task breakdown table: The target area of prefabricated buildings in Wuhan in 2019 is 3 million m2, and Xiangyang City and Yichang City each need to reach 400,000 m2. A total of 5.3 million m2 of newly built prefabricated buildings in 2019.


——Hubei Province decomposes and distributes the goals and objectives of the prefabricated building in 2019




Target: From July 1, 2019, more than 50% of government-invested projects meeting the technical conditions for assembled buildings use the assembly type construction; comprehensively promote integrated decoration technology in newly built commercial housing; the real estate development project meeting the technical conditions for prefabricated construction should use prefabricated construction method, and the proportion of assembled floor area in the total floor area of the project shall reach above 15%. Non-government investment projects are encouraged to adopt the assembled construction mode. The proportion of floor area of government investment projects and civil construction projects that adopt assembly-type construction shall increase year by year, and it should be no less than 15% by the end of 2020, and no less than 30% by the end of 2025.


——Huanggang City to promote the development of assembled buildings implementation measures




Target: The area of newly-built prefabricated buildings in the city is not less than 3 million m2, and strive to reach 3.6 million m2; each district (development zone) has determined not less than 100,000 square meters of prefabricated building demonstration projects; 7 new prefabricated buildings have been built For industrial bases, 1 or 2 industrial bases are recommended to be declared as national demonstration bases.


——Wuhan City's main points for the development of prefabricated construction in 2019




Target: In 2019, the city will complete a prefabricated building area of not less than 600,000 square meters, with an assembly rate of more than 50%. In 2020, the city will complete a prefabricated building area of not less than 1 million m2. Since 2020, the application area of newly constructed residential buildings constructed by prefabricated methods will reach more than 30%.


Support: For development and construction projects that meet the requirements of prefabricated buildings and full decoration of new residential buildings, the natural resources and planning departments will strictly implement the construction area of external prefabricated parts (not exceeding the 3% of total floor area of the ground) The calculation of the plot ratio of land parcels not included in the transaction; projects using prefabricated construction technology for development and construction can pay land transfer fees in installments within the scope of compliance with relevant policies and regulations; all prefabricated buildings can apply for urban construction for awards Substitute funds and urban and rural construction are rewarded by awards; use prefabricated construction projects to implement differential deposits of wages for migrant workers; give priority to recommend prefabricated construction projects to participate in the declaration of municipal, provincial and national awards; support the differentiation housing credit policy.


——Notice on Further Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Xiangyang




Target: By 2020, Jingmen City plans to assemble more than 25% of the new construction area in the main urban area; Shayang, Zhongxiang, and Jingshan area will account for more than 15%; by 2025, the prefabricated buildings of new buildings will reach more than 35%.


Support: FAR reward. Financial fund subsidies; preferential taxes and fees; increase financial support; give business performance encouragement; implement transportation guarantees.


—— Prefabricated Building Development Plan of Jingmen City (2019-2025)






Target: The city's government-invested housing projects must be built using assembly technology, with the prefabricated assembly rate of monolithic buildings in principle no less than 50%; municipal infrastructure projects (subway tube pieces, comprehensive pipeline corridors, urban bridges, etc.) are in principle constructed with assembly technology. Wangcheng District, Changsha District (except Changsha Economic Development Zone), Liuyang City, Ningxiang City, by 2020, the annual floor area of new land supply of commercial housing projects using assembly technology will be not less than 30%. In principle, the prefabricated assembly rate of a single building is not less than 40%.


——Changsha City's eight departments jointly issued a document: vigorously promote prefabricated construction


Support: For the Xiangjiang New District, Changsha High-tech Zone, and the inner five districts of Hunan, newly-built prefabricated commercial housing projects that meet the subsidy conditions will be given a subsidy of 100 yuan/m2 for the construction unit.  


——"Implementation Rules for the Financial Subsidy Work of Prefabricated Construction in Changsha"




Target: The prefabricated buildings in the city will account for 22% of new buildings in 2019, and the prefabricated buildings in 2020 will account for 30% of new buildings. According to the "Hunan Provincial Green Assembled Building Evaluation Standard" (DBJ43/T 332-2018), the assembly rate of all implemented concrete (PC) structured assembled buildings cannot be less than 50%.


Support: give priority to pre-sale of commercial housing; optimize the project bidding and bidding procedures; increase transportation support assistance; give priority to creating excellent evaluation awards.


——Notice of Zhangjiajie Municipal People's Government Office on Further Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Construction



Target: Commercial housing projects for new land supply in urban areas will promote assembly technology in phases. Of which, in 2019, no less than 35% of the floor area of newly-supplied land for commercial housing projects will be constructed with assembled technology. In 2020, the proportion of construction area of newly-supplied commercial housing projects using assembly technology shall not be less than 50%.


Support: the financial department will give appropriate subsidies in the budget of special funds at the beginning of the year for qualified assembled building projects; give priority to recommending prefabricated construction projects to participate in the declaration of green buildings and national, provincial and municipal awards.


——Some Provisions of Zhuzhou City to Accelerate the Development of Assembled Buildings (for Trial Implementation)






Target: To lead the development of prefabricated buildings in government investment projects and gradually expand the scope of mandatory prefabricated buildings. The following projects should take the lead in the use of prefabricated buildings: public buildings that designed for offices, teaching, hospitals, hotels, office buildings, and large-span public buildings suitable for steel structures; industrial buildings such as standard factory buildings and warehouses; prefabricated urban subway segments and underground integrated pipes corridor, urban roads, municipal bridges and auxiliary facilities for landscaping and other public utilities projects. Encourage residential buildings to implement pilot demonstrations of prefabricated buildings. Encourage village houses to explore the use of prefabricated construction methods.


Support: Focus on the introduction of supporting policies in areas such as financial incentives, land use guarantees, FAR incentives, priority handling of pre-sale permits, sales prices, preferential taxes and fees, and special funds for scientific research.


——Notice of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on further advancing prefabricated construction work


Target: Choose a development path and technology system suitable for the local reality, and steadily develop steel structures, assembled concrete structures and other assemblies. Construction. Comprehensively promoting the use of prefabricated stairs, floor slabs, interior wall panels and other components and parts, and promoting the construction of pilot demonstration projects. Increase the training of managers and industrial workers of assembled buildings, and cultivate technical teams. Strive to promote assembly buildings of no less than 150,000 square meters throughout the year.


——The Key Points of the 2019 Heilongjiang Province Construction Standards and Science and Technology Work




Target: By the end of 2020, prefabricated construction projects will account for more than 15% of new construction projects, and strive to reach 30%; by the end of 2025, prefabricated construction will account for more than 35% of new construction.


Support: Assembled construction production enterprises that meet the requirements of high-tech enterprises, can enjoy corresponding tax preferential policies according to regulations;  can sign contracts for housing provident fund personal loan projects; provide support and policy tilts in terms of qualification promotion, award evaluation, credit evaluation, etc.; When transporting prefabricated steel-concrete and steel structure components and other non-disintegrable ultra-high and ultra-wide parts, please report to the Public Security Traffic Management Department in advance to support logistics and traffic flow.


——"Harbin City Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings"






Target: For commercial housing projects with a total construction area of 100,000 square meters and above, the proportion of the construction method is not less than 50%; the total construction area is 50,000 square meters or more or the single building area is 30,000 square meters and The above public buildings should be constructed in an assembled manner.   


Support: For construction projects built in prefabricated methods that meet the provincial prefabricated building evaluation standards, priority support can be given in the city and county's  housing implementation plan of 2019; for those that meet the national prefabricated building evaluation standards and start commercial housing projectsin of 2019, upon application and being reviewed and determined by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (considering the actual construction area of the project), the annual housing construction indicators of the city and county can be appropriately increased; research and development of preferential policies are based on the premise of meeting planning, land and other conditions Next, set up a "green" channel, actively introduce enterprises to build factories; floor area ratio rewards.


——Notice of Hainan on the work related to the advancement of prefabricated construction in 2019




Target: By 2020, government-invested projects and socially invested new commercial residential projects with a total construction area of more than 100,000 m2 and new commercial buildings with a total construction area of more than 30,000 m2 or a single construction area of more than 20,000 m2, for public construction projects such as offices, all qualified buildings are constructed in an assembled manner; by 2022, all newly-qualified buildings that are qualified will be constructed in an assembled manner in principle.


——Measures for the promotion of prefabricated construction in Sanya in 2019






Target: By 2020, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of new construction area.


——Implementation Opinions of Nanjing Municipal Government on Promoting High-Quality Development of Construction Industry




Target: In 2019, the proportion of newly constructed buildings in the city shall reach more than 17%, the prefabricated assembly rate will be over 45%, and the finished housing will be over 25%; by 2020, the proportion of newly constructed buildings in the city will be over 30%; by the end of 2025,  the proportion of newly constructed buildings in the city will be more than 50% of.


——“Notice on Further Promoting the Development of Assembled Buildings in the City”






Target: By the end of 2020, the province will cultivate more than 10 steel structure backbone enterprises with an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan and start construction of 20. The above steel structure assembly housing demonstration project, construction of light steel structure agricultural housing demonstration village no less than 5; by 2021, through the pilot project Solve outstanding problems plaguing the construction of steel-frame assembled houses, gradually form a mature system for the construction of steel-frame assembled houses, promote The development of the whole industrial chain of steel structure production, design, construction and installation. By 2022, the proportion of newly constructed steel structure assembled houses in the province will reach more than 10%.


Support: steel structure assembled housing construction requirements should be included in the construction land planning conditions; increase financial support; credit support.


——Jiangxi Province to promote the construction of steel-frame assembled houses pilot work program




Target: by 2020, the proportion of assembled floor space in the city shall not be less than 15%, of which, the proportion of assembled floor space in government-invested projects shall not be less than 25%, and the prefabrication rate of monolithic concrete buildings using assembled construction shall not be less than 18%.


——Notice on further promoting the development of assembled buildings in Jiujiang City




Target: In 2019, each county (district) will implement assembled buildings accounting for at least 20% of the new construction area. Linchuan District and Dongxiang District, in 2019, no less than 80,000 m2 of new assembled construction area respectively; Chongren District, Jinxi District, and Nancheng District and Nanfeng District, with a minimum of 60,000 m2 of newly assembled floor space each in 2019; Le'an District, Zixi District, and Lichuan District, Yixuan District and Guangchang District, the new assembled construction area in 2019 will be no less than 40,000 m2 respectively.


——The prefabricated construction project in the downtown area of 2019 and the development plan of prefabricated construction in counties (districts)

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