Baoding City, Hebei Province, fully promotes the high-quality development of green buildings


On October 30, Baoding City held a green building work conference and a prefabricated building passive building technology exchange promotion meeting. The purpose of the conference is to fully implement the concept of green development, further promote the building energy conservation work in Baoding City, vigorously develop green buildings, actively promote the construction of passive ultra-low energy buildings, prefabricated buildings and various energy-saving policies and measures, and continuously improve the level of green building construction in Baoding City.

Experts from science and Technology and Industry Development Center of Ministry of Housing,  Urban-Rural Development, Shanghai Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd. provincial green building development center and other related fields inside and outside the province gave keynote reports on how to develop high-quality green buildings, people-oriented green and healthy buildings and the practice of ecological urban areas, and the status and prospects of green building development in Hebei Province. In addition, they had in-depth exchanges with relevant persons in charge of the housing and construction department of Baoding on the development of green buildings in Baoding and other industry hot topics of common concern.

According to the relevant person in charge of Baoding Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau, Baoding adheres to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, focusing on key points, innovating highlights, breaking through difficulties, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of green buildings.

At present, 2.4 million square meters of prefabricated buildings have been built in Baoding City. Seize the development opportunities of the national prefabricated construction industry, actively promote the transformation and development of enterprises in design, development, construction, parts and components production, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the prefabricated construction industry.

Baoding City has constructed a passive ultra-low energy consumption building area of 983,000 square meters, of which 7 passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings have been built, with a cumulative building area of 287,000 square meters. There are 7 passive ultra-low-energy building projects under construction, with a cumulative construction area of 696,000 square meters. The development and construction of passive ultra-low-energy buildings in Baoding City has a good momentum.

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