Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province took the lead in developing prefabricated building evaluation system


In 2015, Changzhou began to implement prefabricated buildings. In order to fully understand the development of prefabricated buildings in Changzhou in recent years, the Changzhou Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau took the lead in researching and developing a prefabricated building evaluation system. After a year of development, the system has been completed and passed the expert acceptance on October 29.

The main interface of the evaluation system is composed of data cleaning, data management, data analysis, and system management. Import land transfer information, drawing review information, construction permit information, and completion acceptance information in batches. Perform data analysis and evaluation on the relevant data of prefabricated buildings and finished houses in all aspects of government supervision, sort out the deficiencies of each supervision link, and find the best path to strengthen the correlation between the various links of government supervision, and realize efficient and fast management.

The evaluation system has clear objectives, reasonable technical route, complete structure, operability and practicability, which greatly facilitates the data statistics of the competent department, and can intuitively display the development of prefabricated buildings in Changzhou City. It provides a more favorable reference for the competent authorities to formulate policies in the next step.

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