9 departments jointly issued the "Tianjin Green Building Creation Action Implementation Plan" to promote the high-quality development of green buildings



In order to promote the high-quality development of green buildings, 9 departments including the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission jointly issued the "Tianjin Green Building Creation Action Implementation Plan" recently. Tianjin City will carry out the green building creation campaign with urban buildings as the object of creation. It is estimated that by 2022, the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings will reach 80%, and the scale of star-rated green buildings will continue to increase, forming a social atmosphere that advocates green living.

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development for the management of green building labels, do a good job in the evaluation of the two-star green building labels, and guide the housing construction management departments of all districts to do a good job in the evaluation of the one-star green building labels. Combining with clean heating in northern areas, renovation of old urban communities, and construction of sponge cities, promote energy-saving and water-saving renovation of existing residential buildings.

Based on the prevention and control of the epidemic and the actual economic and social development of this city, the "Tianjin Housing Design Standards" shall be revised to improve residential air, water quality, sound insulation and other health performance indicators to meet the requirements of comfort and livability.

Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings such as steel structures, and use steel structures in principle for new public buildings. Accelerate the promotion of green building materials evaluation and certification, promotion and application, build a green building information sharing platform in Tianjin, and promptly announce the application of green building materials to promote the quality of building materials products. Intensify research and development of green building technology, actively promote the online operation of Tianjin's green building information sharing platform, establish Tianjin's green building science and technology achievement database, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the construction field. Encourage the application of new technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and construction robots in the field of engineering construction, and promote the integrated development of green construction and new technologies.

In addition, on the basis of summarizing the pilot work experience of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, a guide for buyers of green residential houses in Tianjin was formulated to provide buyers with methods for the acceptance of house green performance and full decoration quality, and establish a green building user supervision mechanism.

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