By 2025, Hengyang will strive to make urban prefabricated buildings account for more than 30% of new buildings


On October 30, Hengyang City held a green building and prefabricated building policy promotion and work promotion meeting.

On October 30th, the reporter learned from the green building and prefabricated building policy publicity and work promotion meeting held in Hengyang that in order to improve the level of urban construction and construction, Hengyang will vigorously develop new construction methods and promote prefabricated buildings. In 2025, urban prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of new buildings. He Enguang, Deputy Mayor of Hengyang City, attended the event and delivered a speech.

In recent years, various departments at all levels in Hengyang have steadily promoted the development of green buildings and prefabricated buildings, and have achieved certain results. As of the end of September, the total area of newly built civil buildings in Hengyang City was 4.05 million square meters, of which 2.24 million square meters of green buildings were completed, accounting for 55%. The newly-started civil construction area in the central city area is 3.25 million square meters, 100% meeting the green building design standards.

The reporter learned from the meeting that in order to further promote the development of prefabricated buildings in Hengyang City, Hengyang City has issued relevant notices to clarify the objectives and tasks and expand the scope of implementation. By 2025, urban prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of new buildings. At the same time, social investment projects are included in the scope of implementation of prefabricated buildings. In the downtown area, the prefabricated building area of each social investment project will account for the building area of the project. From 2020 to 2021, it will not be less than 30%, and will increase by 5% year by year. By 2025, no less than 50%. In all counties (cities) and urban areas of Nanyue District, the prefabricated construction area of social investment projects will account for no less than 10% of the construction area of new social investment projects in 2021, and will increase by 5% each year thereafter, and by 2025, no less than 30 %.

How to vigorously promote the wide application of green buildings and prefabricated buildings in the next step? He Enguang said that it is necessary to deepen understanding, change concepts, calculate political accounts, economic accounts, and environmental accounts, and deeply understand the importance of the development of green buildings and prefabricated buildings. We must set our goals, identify the gaps, and ensure that we continue to maintain our advantages in this industrial upgrade and revolution, and strive to be among the best. It is necessary to strengthen guarantees, strengthen government guidance, strengthen policy guidance, rely on market leadership, pay attention to publicity and reports, and strive to cultivate the green building and prefabricated building industry chain into new highlights in the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in Hengyang City, and realize the leap-forward development of the construction industry in Hengyang City.

The event also invited experts to publicize and implement on-site green building and prefabricated building technology.

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