Summary of the targets and supporting policies of prefabricated buildings throughout the country in 2019 (I)






Target: In 2019, the construction scale of prefabricated buildings in Hefei shall strive to reach 8 million m², accounting for 15% of new-built buildings.


——" Main Points of Prefabricated Construction Work of Hefei in 2019 


Target: By 2020, the floor area of prefabricated buildings will account for no less than 20% of the area of new buildings. The total output value of the construction industry chain will reach more than 100 billion yuan; by 2025, the prefabricated buildings will account for no less than 30% of the new buildings. The total output value of the construction industry chain will reach more than 200 billion yuan.


Support: FAR incentives; optimization of deposit payment methods; fiscal, taxation and financial support.


——Implementation Opinions of Hefei Municipal People's Government Office on Further Promoting the Development of Construction Industrialization


Target: From January 1, 2020, all newly-built affordable housing (including shantytowns, urban village reconstruction, demolition and resettlement houses and rental housing, etc.), talent apartments and other residential buildings as well as the total area of government investment in the city that is greater than 10 Ten thousand m² of public buildings shall all use assembly construction technology. Secondary towns in key promotion areas and active promotion areas, and non-government-funded new projects with a total gross floor area of more than 200,000  m² should use the assembly construction technique. If the total construction area of the newly built project in Binhu Science City (Binhu New District) is greater than 100,000 m², the prefabricated construction technology shall be adopted. Encourage all types of construction projects to actively adopt assembly construction technology. The assembly rate of civil buildings that using the assembly construction technology in the key promotion areas is not less than 50%, and the assembly rate of civil buildings actively implementing the assembly construction technology in the region is not less than 30%.


——"Notice on the implementation of Hefei city assembly building project related work"




Target: By 2020, the city's prefabricated buildings will strive to account for 20% of new buildings. In the stage of promotion, pilot and demonstration, the general contracting unit may be determined by inviting tenders. Promote the application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology in design, construction, and management.


——Implementation Opinions of the Office of Wuhu Municipal People's Government on Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of the Construction Industry and Accelerating Development




Target: In 2019, prefabricated buildings account for more than 7% of all new buildings.


——Notice on the progress of building energy efficiency, green building and prefabricated buildings from January to February 2019




Target: In 2020, the proportion of newly-built prefabricated buildings in the new construction will reach 15%. In 2025, the proportion of newly-built prefabricated buildings in the new construction will reach 30%. By 2020, the annual output value of the modernization of the construction industry will reach more than 10 billion yuan, by 2023 In that year, newly built prefabricated buildings accounted for more than 24% of the construction of new buildings; by 2025, the annual output value of the modernization of the construction industry will reach more than 50 billion yuan, and newly built prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of the construction of new buildings.


Support: Inviting tenders; adopting projects for the development and construction of steel structures or assembled building technologies, prioritizing infrastructure and public facilities supporting projects; making full use of the various support policies currently in place at the municipal government, and adopting financial discounts, incentives, and subsidies.


——" Construction Industry Modernization Development Plan of Fuyang (2019-2025)"




Target: By 2022, the total annual output value of the assembly building industry will be 30 billion yuan, the output value of parts and components will be 15 billion yuan, build 1-2 national model industrial bases, form a number of large-scale production enterprises of design, construction and parts and components, and foster 3-5 design, production, construction and general contracting enterprises of the whole renovation project; by 2030, the total annual output value of the assembly building industry will be 10 billion yuan, the output value of parts and components will be 5 billion yuan, and 5 national model industrial bases will be built.


Support: for particularly significant projects, support can be provided on a "one discussion for one case" basis. Support leading enterprises to declare national and provincial demonstration bases and projects of assembled buildings, and the inclusion of national and provincial demonstration bases, respectively, give one-time incentives of 2 million yuan and 1 million yuan.  For inclusion in national and provincial demonstration projects, respectively 500,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.


——The implementation plan policies for the development of assembly construction industry in Chiju City






Target: To achieve more than 25% in 2019, and basically form a policy and technology guarantee system suitable for the development of prefabricated buildings.


——The main points of Beijing's development of prefabricated buildings in 2018-2019




Target: The construction of 3 million square meters of prefabricated buildings was started throughout the year, and 3-5 city-level prefabricated building industrial bases, 1-2 national-level prefabricated building demonstration cities, and 2-3 national-level prefabricated building industrial bases were cultivated.


——The report of Construction Industry Development of Chongqing in 2018


Target: From January 1, 2020, all districts in the main city shall clearly specify the requirements for the implementation of assembled buildings in the land supply plan for state-owned land with a capacity of 100,000  or more that is sold by tender and auction. From 2020 onwards, all districts in the main city will implement no less than 30% of the total land supply area for construction projects each year for assembled buildings (of which no less than 50% for the Liangjiang New Area), and growing 5% year by year.


--Notice on Accelerating the Development of Assembled Buildings and Promoting the Modernization of the Construction Industry.






Target: Fuzhou, Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, etc. State-owned investment in newly-launched affordable housing, education, medical, and office complex buildings should in principle be constructed, and the proportion of other districts and cities should reach 50%. Prefabricated buildings account for 15% of new buildings.


——Notice on Printing and Distributing the "2019 Fujian Province Prefabricated Construction Work Points"




Target: The proportion of new state-invested affordable housing, education, medical, and office complex projects around the city using assembled construction should reach 50%, and strive to reach 15% of new buildings with assembled construction throughout the year.


——The key points of assembly-type construction work of Sanming in 2019




Target: To ensure that by 2020, more than 20% of the newly built construction area will be assembled, of which more than 50% will be assembled in government-invested projects; and by 2025, more than 35% of the newly built construction area will be assembled, of which more than 70% will be assembled in government-invested projects.


Support: State-owned land supply priority; collective land priority; encourage and support the demonstration bases of assembled building production at all levels to play an exemplary and leading role, and give support to their related exemplary and leading projects; new technologies, new materials, new products and new processes in line with the standards of assembled buildings, research and development and production units can declare high-tech enterprises, and at the same time can make relevant declarations on green building materials, patented technologies, etc.; manufacturers of parts and components in line with the new wall materials catalogue can enjoy preferential policies of immediate VAT refund according to the regulations; transportation convenience.


——Foshan City to promote the implementation of assembled buildings




Target: By the end of 2020, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 10% of new construction area, of which government-invested construction prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30%; by 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 20% of new construction, of which the assembly area of government-invested projects accounted for more than 50%.


Support: strengthen planning guidance; implement land supply priority; implement FAR incentives. For construction projects using prefabricated building technology, and the assembly rate is not less than 50% and meets the "Assembly Building Evaluation Standard" (GB/T51129-2017), the construction area of the part that meets the requirements of prefabricated building may not exceed 3% of the building area with a capacity of more than ±0.000 is not included in the calculation of the plot ratio of the transaction plot; strengthen financial and tax support; for projects that promote the use of prefabricated buildings in poverty alleviation and relocation and rural dilapidated house reconstruction, give certain rewards by the same level of finance; strengthen credit support; strengthen incentives for excellence; optimize project bidding procedures; transportation convenience.


——Implementation Opinions of the People Government Office in Shaoguan on Vigorously Developing Prefabricated Buildings




Target: By the end of 2020, prefabricated buildings account for more than 20% of new construction area, of which government-invested construction prefabricated buildings account for more than 50%; by the end of 2025, prefabricated buildings account for more than 35% of new construction area, of which, the assembly area of government-invested projects account for more than 70%.


Support: Plan leadership; tax incentives; financial support; open up green channels for industrialized residential projects that using prefabricated buildings, expedite the processing of planning permits, preliminary design, construction permits, pre-sale of houses, pre-sale supervision funding, plan and project completion acceptance and other related procedures.


—— "Special Planning for Huizhou Prefabricated Construction (2018-2025)"




Target: By the end of 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the central urban area will account for more than 15% of the new construction area, and other regions will reach more than 10%. Of which, the prefabricated construction area of government-invested projects will account for more than 30%. Construction development policies and technical guarantee systems; by the end of 2025, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the central urban area will account for more than 30% of new construction areas, and other regions will reach more than 20%, of which government-invested construction prefabricated buildings account for 50% the above.


Support: implementation of land use guarantee; FAR incentives; financial and tax support; financial support; guarantee smooth transportation.


——"Implementation Plan for Shantou to Develop Prefabricated Buildings"






Target: By 2020, the city will initially build a modern production base for the construction industry (located in the Wuzhou Lingang Economic Zone), with prefabricated buildings accounting for more than 8% of new buildings, and new affordable housing projects and government investment in urban built-up areas using prefabricated construction reach more than 10%; by the end of 2022, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the city account for more than 20% of new construction, and the proportion of newly built affordable housing projects and government-invested public projects in urban built-up areas used prefabricated construction  will be over 10%, and the area ratio of newly-built fully-furnished finished houses will be over 10%. By the end of 2025, the prefabricated buildings of our city will account for 30% of new buildings.


Support: land support; financial support; finance support; tax preferential.


——Guiding Opinions of Wuzhou Municipal People's Government on Vigorously Promoting Prefabricated Buildings to Promote the Modernization of Wuzhou Construction Industry






Support: Give priority to guaranteeing the construction land of assembly-type construction projects, parts and components manufacturing enterprises and industrial bases, and R&D centers; actively implement VAT; actively provide support for differentiated housing credit policies; give priority to the selection of various engineering construction awards ; Give support to smooth traffic; Give a certain amount of financial subsidies to the prefabricated building industrial base and R&D center. The industry base city rated as national and provincial prefabricated building will be given financial incentive funds 2 million yuan, 1 million yuan respectively; prefabricated building research and development center according to the scale of financial incentive funds 1 million to 2 million yuan; credit support.


——"Several Opinions on Supporting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Lanzhou"






Target: Cultivate 2-3 provincial assembled building industry bases, organize and declare national assembled building industry bases, carry out cultivation of provincial assembled building demonstration cities (counties), organize and declare national assembled building demonstration cities, and cultivate a total of about 10 demonstration cities (counties).


——Hebei issued work points of provincial building energy efficiency and science and technology work points and assembled building in 2019




Target: In Congtai District, Fuxing District, Handan Mountain District, Fengfeng Mining District, Yongnian District, Feixiang District and Jinan New District, Handan Economic and Technological Development Zone, the proportion of assembled buildings in new construction area should account for more than 30% from the date of issuance of the document, and more than 50% from January 1, 2020; the proportion of assembled buildings in new construction area in other counties (cities) should reach more than 10% from February 1, 2019, and more than 20% from January 1, 2020; government-invested projects within the East Area should all adopt assembled buildings.


Support: During the first-level emergency warning of heavily polluted weather, the construction site of the assembled building may not stop work.


——several policies on supporting the development of assembled buildings




Target: The newly started construction of prefabricated buildings is not less than 1 million square meters (including prefabricated concrete structures, steel structures, and wooden structures)


Support: Implement the award policy, focusing on supporting exemplary project awards such as passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings, high star-level green buildings, prefabricated buildings and base construction.


——The work plan of building energy efficiency, green building and prefabricated building in the city in 2019

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