Zhejiang Province: From building houses to building high-rise buildings, the development of prefabricated construction industry in Ningbo "speeds up"



"New space, new mission", Ningbo is accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry with prefabricated buildings as the starting point. Since the beginning of this year, the industrialization of new buildings represented by prefabricated buildings has been advancing rapidly, and the construction level and quality of Ningbo have been continuously improved. Up to now, the city has implemented a total of 39.9 million square meters of prefabricated construction projects. Among them, the newly-started prefabricated construction area will be 13.2 million square meters in 2020, accounting for 101.5% of the 13 million square meters of annual target tasks. Newly started prefabricated houses and public buildings (excluding venues) cover an area of 11 million square meters, accounting for 137.5 percent of the annual target of 8 million square meters. Complete this year's goals and tasks ahead of schedule.

Industrial agglomeration, steady and orderly development

The time is right to develop the industrialization of new types of buildings. The development of the industrialization of a new type of construction can completely change the previous competitive model of low construction technology, low technology content, and pure labor costs. In the future, prefabricated buildings will usher in more room for growth and are expected to occupy more market shares. Following the general trend of transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, under the policy guidance and market-driven environment, Ningbo prefabricated buildings have entered a stage of rapid development.

Ningbo has incubated and cultivated 5 national-level prefabricated construction industrial bases, 5 provincial-level construction industrialization demonstration bases, 4 provincial-level construction industrialization demonstration enterprises, and 2 provincial-level construction industrialization demonstration projects. These have set a benchmark for the development of the prefabricated construction industry in Ningbo and played a leading role in demonstration. There are currently 16 prefabricated building PC component manufacturers, and the city’s annual design capacity of PC components reaches 800,000 cubic meters. Development, design, construction, production and other enterprises have formed a relatively complete industrial chain, and have accumulated certain experience in the construction of prefabricated construction projects. This has laid a solid foundation for Ningbo's decision to comprehensively promote prefabricated buildings and make use of market allocation resources.

Demonstration first, boost steel structure residential development

At the end of 2019, the "Ningbo City's Implementation Plan for Promoting the Pilot Work of Steel Structure Prefabricated Housing" was issued to clarify the steel structure prefabricated housing demonstration projects and target tasks in various regions, implement the area implementation ratio, and promote the development of the area. In order to improve the capacity of the construction team, Professor Tong Genshu of Zhejiang University was specially invited to give a lecture on steel structure system in Ningbo City, and the human resources and social department jointly carried out the 2020 senior training project for the shortage of talents in Ningbo City - the advanced training class of prefabricated steel structure housing construction. Lay the foundation for promoting the development of prefabricated steel structure residences.

Improve quality and efficiency, speed up project construction

Compared with the traditional construction method with cast-in-place wet work as the core, the prefabricated building disassembles stairs, wall panels, floor slabs and other parts, and adopts factory production-oriented parts manufacturing instead of on-site construction methods. Therefore, the quality of the parts produced is stable and controllable; Substituting assembly operations for manual masonry operations can greatly reduce construction errors and human errors and ensure construction quality; The prefabricated construction method can effectively improve the accuracy of the product, reduce the common quality problems of the system, reduce the maintenance cost in the later period of the building, and extend the service life of the building. The building quality is significantly higher than the cast-in-place method.

In addition, factory production is not affected by the natural environment such as severe weather, construction mechanization and automatic control are high, and the component processing period is more controllable. For the construction of the main structure on site, the prefabricated reinforced concrete structure combined with interspersed construction techniques, especially combined with industrialized technologies such as prefabricated interior decoration, can shorten the comprehensive construction period compared with the traditional cast-in-place method. The construction of the first floor of a traditional building takes 8-9 days, and the standard floor construction of existing prefabricated buildings can be reduced to 4-5 days for the first floor. The construction efficiency is greatly improved compared with the cast-in-place construction method.

Energy saving and environmental protection, creating a green and beautiful city

The prefabricated building broke the traditional construction mode and transferred a large number of on-site operations to the factory. The effectiveness of the prefabricated construction method in energy saving, material saving, water saving and emission reduction has been proven in many such projects. More importantly, prefabricated buildings can fundamentally change the "dirty, messy, and poor" situation of construction sites, and effectively reduce air pollution and construction waste during the construction process. Minimize environmental pollution such as dust and noise, and help improve the urban environment and build ecological civilization. Vigorously developing prefabricated buildings is the inevitable way to realize energy saving, water saving, material saving, environmental protection and sustainable development of the construction industry. It is conducive to improving the urban environment, improving the overall quality and performance of buildings, and promoting the construction of ecological civilization, which is in line with the concept of green development.

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