Datong City, Shanxi Province vigorously promotes green buildings and green construction concepts



Since the beginning of this year, Datong City has continuously increased the promotion of green buildings and the promotion of green construction, striving to integrate the concept of green development throughout the entire process of project construction.

In accordance with the requirements of the "Special Action Plan for Green Buildings in Datong City" issued by Datong City, Datong City has continuously increased its efforts to promote green buildings and promoted the full implementation of green building standards for new urban buildings. Among them, government-invested public welfare buildings and public buildings with a construction area of more than 20,000 square meters must implement one-star and above standards; At the same time, it is necessary to actively promote the construction of concentrated demonstration areas for green buildings to ensure that newly built buildings in the concentrated demonstration areas fully implement the green building standards, and at the same time obtain no less than 30% of green buildings with one-star and above. In addition, the housing construction department requires that buildings that implement green building standards should obtain a green building operation mark within one year after the completion of the acceptance. Encourage conditional projects to implement the two-star and above high-star building standards and passive ultra-low energy building standards, and strive to continuously improve the scale and level of green building development.

While promoting green buildings, Datong City has also continuously increased its efforts to promote the concept of green construction, and strive to promote the concept of green development throughout the entire construction process. Carry out green overall planning for the whole process in all stages of project planning, architectural design, material selection, construction and operation and maintenance. The staff of the relevant departments of the Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development of Datong City stated that the preliminary design plan of each project must clarify the building energy-saving target requirements such as green, prefabricated, and ultra-low energy consumption. The construction drawing design documents shall prepare special articles on building energy conservation, green buildings and prefabricated buildings, and pre-evaluate the prefabricated rate of green buildings and prefabricated buildings. At the same time, the construction organization design should comprehensively apply the technologies of "energy saving, land saving, water saving, material saving and environmental protection", while adopting green building materials, realize the recycling and utilization of construction waste resources, and meet the requirements of green construction to the greatest extent.

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