Hubei Province: Building houses in rural areas is like building blocks! Zhushan County vigorously promotes prefabricated buildings


Standardized design, factory production, beams, columns, stairs, interior and exterior wall panels...These formerly cast-in-place reinforced concrete components are now "assembled" like building blocks on the construction site into a building, and prefabricated houses are increasing around us.

Hubei Province: Building houses in rural areas is like building blocks! Zhushan County vigorously promotes prefabricated buildings

On the construction site of the Xigou Infectious Disease Zone of the People's Hospital of Zhushan County, several workers installed the fabricated prefabricated laminated slab on the T beam according to the requirements of the drawing, and it became a floor slab in a few minutes. Compared with traditional construction methods, it reduces the construction site and cement, plastering and other processes, reduces the input of a large number of wooden molds, and avoids generating a large amount of construction waste.

It is understood that the prefabricated building is currently a green building material that is being vigorously promoted and applied in my country. The so-called prefabricated building refers to a building assembled on site with prefabricated components, which is a major change in traditional construction methods. To put it simply, it means manufacturing parts in factories and building houses on site. Compared with traditional construction methods, it has the advantages of energy saving, material saving, land saving, no dust, no pollution, and a significant reduction in construction waste.

The county has been promoting prefabricated buildings since 2018. At present, townships such as Baofeng, Yishui, Wenfeng, Guandu, and other towns in Zhushan County have built modern new-type light steel prefabricated houses. This year, the county's newly-started prefabricated buildings cover an area of 9,800 square meters, and the popularization and application of prefabricated buildings in the county has started well.

In Xigou Village, Baofeng Town, and Huajiawan Village, Yishui Town, the county's light steel fabricated houses with diverse shapes and beautiful appearances have become a local landscape. Yi Shujun, who has completed the main structure of the prefabricated house in Huajiawan Village, Yishui Town, told the author that after a preliminary field investigation, she found that the prefabricated building has many advantages such as environmental protection, energy saving, fire prevention, earthquake resistance, and beauty. After actual operation, this effect has appeared. At present, his house has become a local internet celebrity "punch-in place". Everyone has responded well and we feel very satisfied.

It is reported that the Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development of Zhushan County will connect with relevant departments to actively promote prefabricated buildings, and at the same time encourage enterprises to strengthen exchanges and strive to create national and provincial demonstration bases to serve the county's prefabricated building construction.

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