Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province has completed 6.52 million square meters of newly started prefabricated buildings



Since 2020, with the joint efforts of the construction departments of all counties (cities, districts), the construction industrialization of Jiaxing City has been steadily advancing, and the task indicators for newly started prefabricated residential and public buildings (excluding venue buildings) issued by the provincial government have been completed ahead of schedule. As of October 16, Jiaxing City has completed 6.52 million square meters of newly-started prefabricated buildings, completing 93.14% of the annual target issued by the province, a year-on-year increase of 39.41%. Newly started prefabricated housing and public buildings (excluding venue buildings) 4,138,700 square meters, the completion rate reached 103.47%, an increase of 112.62% year-on-year. Among them, Pinghu, Port Area, and Haining have completed the task indicators for newly started prefabricated buildings; Haining, Jingkai, Pinghu, and Jiashan have completed the task indicators for newly started prefabricated residential and public buildings (excluding venue buildings).

Since the beginning of this year, the whole city has made great efforts to promote the industrialization of construction. The Municipal Construction Bureau has extensively promoted the development of prefabricated buildings by inviting provincial experts to give lectures and other ways to enhance the public's awareness of the green, environmental protection and energy-saving advantages of prefabricated buildings. Carry out on-site supervision and urge counties (cities, districts) to speed up the construction and application of construction industrialization projects, and strengthen project implementation. Give full play to the three-level communication and coordination mechanism of provinces, cities, and counties, timely convey the latest requirements and document specifications of the provinces and departments, and timely report the progress of each county (city, district). At the same time, the relatively backward areas are urged to actively develop prefabricated construction to form a good working atmosphere for catching up with and surpassing learning.

In the next step, the Municipal Construction Bureau will increase publicity efforts through traditional media, new media, and other forms to increase public attention and awareness of the development of prefabricated buildings. Strengthen assessment and supervision, fully implement the "Assessment Standards for Prefabricated Buildings", promote the implementation of project construction and strive to achieve good results at the end of the year.

Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province has completed 6.52 million square meters of newly started prefabricated buildings

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