Zhejiang Provincial Department of Construction interviewed areas where the advancement of construction industrialization is lagging



In order to further promote the industrialization of construction, to ensure the completion of the province's annual target tasks. On October 15, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Construction held a meeting on work in lagging areas for the advancement of construction industrialization, and conducted intensive interviews with persons in charge of housing and urban-rural construction bureaus in Wenzhou City, Jinhua City, and Lishui City.

The meeting notified the progress of Zhejiang's construction industrialization in 2020 and the main problems in the interviewed areas. The responsible persons in charge of the housing and urban-rural construction bureaus of the three interviewed areas reported on the relevant work and made statements.

For the next step, the meeting requested that all localities should further unify their thinking, recognize deficiencies, work hard, and implement them.

The first is to further deepen ideological understanding and promote project implementation. Fully understand the important role of construction industrialization in promoting the reform and development of the construction industry, continue to increase policy support, strengthen departmental coordination, and coordinate implementation. Strictly implement the special plan for green buildings, strengthen the source management of control indicators such as the industrialization of buildings, and further promote the implementation of prefabricated construction projects.

The second is to further increase efforts to complete the annual tasks. Seize the last two months of the sprint phase, formulate specific work plans and implementation plans, clarify target measures, and pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities. Especially for those with large differences, invert the plan and strive to ensure the smooth completion of the annual goals and tasks.

The third is to further strengthen work responsibilities and plan work next year. It is necessary to strengthen early planning, clarify goals and tasks, implement work measures, and achieve specific goals, work nodes, and task projects. And it is necessary to strengthen responsibility assessment, implement work responsibilities, and make every effort to promote the construction of prefabricated buildings and residential full decoration projects, and strive to achieve a good start next year.

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