Hainan Province | Haijian (Wanning) Construction Industry Modernization Base Project will be put into operation in October



Hainan Province | Haijian (Wanning) Construction Industry Modernization Base Project will be put into operation in October

On October 15th, overlooking the Haijian (Wanning) Construction Industry Modernization Base project site located in the Industrial Zone of Liji Town, Wanning City, the staff are making final preparations for the upcoming production this month.

The project will develop into a complete set of technical service providers for prefabricated buildings integrating R&D, design, production and construction. After the project is put into production, it can not only reduce the impact of industrial buildings on Hainan's ecological environment, but also effectively improve Hainan's application in construction quality and technology. As one of the fifth batch of Hainan Free Trade Pilot Zone construction projects, it has important strategic significance for realizing the industrial layout of Hainan Province.

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