Zhongtian Construction Group Shanxi Branch achieves full coverage of BIM application projects



On October 17, the Shanxi Branch of Zhongtian Construction Group Co., Ltd. held the 2020 BIM Technology Application Demonstration Meeting at the Taiyuan Longhu Changfeng Tianju Project undertaken by it. More than 40 people from 23 full-time BIM engineers of the company's ongoing projects and the company's BIM center attended the meeting.

The Shanxi Branch of Zhongtian Construction Group Co., Ltd. continues to promote the in-depth development of BIM technology. Since the establishment of the BIM center in 2015, it has actively organized front-line project personnel to carry out BIM technology learning and examinations. A total of nearly 70 national level 1 and level 2 skill level certificates have been obtained to achieve full coverage of BIM applications in projects under construction. Each project is equipped with 1-2 BIM engineers. Starting in 2018, regional BIM skills competitions and BIM demonstration observation meetings have been organized for three consecutive years. At present, the company has formed a systematic application plan and experience in deepening design, prefabricated construction, cost management, and platform application of BIM technology, and strives to create a good environment for the high-quality development of the construction industry in Shanxi Province, provide strong support for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

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