30 billion yuan! Jiangxi Province supports the transformation of old communities



Recently, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangxi Province and the Jiangxi Branch of China Development Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement. China Development Bank will provide 30 billion yuan of credit funds in the next five years to support the transformation of old communities in the province.

According to reports, since 2019, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has promoted the transformation of old communities as an important political project, people’s livelihood project, and development project. A total of 2,192 old communities have been included in the scope of special funds supported by the central government in two years. . Among them, 598,000 households have been benefited, and a total of 9.587 billion yuan of special funds from the central government has been obtained. As of the end of August this year, the province's old community reconstruction task has completed 580 communities, benefiting 220,000 residents; in 2020, the reconstruction task has started to renovate 1,203 communities, benefiting 298,000 residents.

The most difficult aspect of the transformation of old communities is the large funding gap. Jiangxi Province guides all localities to actively explore fund-raising mechanisms, and implements "strive for the central government to make some subsidies, local finances allocate some, encourage units to invest some, guide the masses to contribute some, and rely on the financial market to finance some" to get out of the difficulty of raising funds for the renovation of old communities. Ji'an City relies on state-owned enterprises to build a financing platform to obtain credit support from financial institutions for the 2020 renovation project of the central city. Nanchang City, in accordance with the principle of "Urban Area Linkage, Focusing on Districts", coordinated the four districts of East Lake, West Lake, Qingyunpu and Qingshan Lake, and launched financing cooperation with China Development Bank to apply for a loan of 2 billion yuan with a loan period of 20 years. It involves 56 streets and communities, benefiting 77,400 residents. Shangrao City encourages franchise units to invest in the renovation of old communities with awards on behalf of them. It is clear that the property rights of the facilities after the renovation belong to the franchise units, who will be responsible for subsequent operations and maintenance.

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