Fujian: Promote the development of prefabricated building products and parts



A few days ago, the Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other seven departments jointly issued the "Fujian Province Green Building Creation Action Implementation Plan", which proposed that by 2022, the proportion of green building area in urban new civil buildings will reach 75%. The number of star-rated green buildings has continued to increase, the energy efficiency of existing buildings has been continuously improved, the health of residential buildings has been continuously improved, the proportion of assembled construction methods has steadily increased, the application of green building materials has been further expanded, and the supervision of green residential users has been fully promoted.

In terms of promoting assembly-based construction methods, the plan points out:

Localities should implement prefabricated construction projects in accordance with the relevant regulations of Fujian Province, strengthen integrated design, standardize component selection, increase the promotion and application of prefabricated interior and exterior wall panels, stair panels and laminated floor panels, improve the level of building standardization and modularization and focus on improving project assembly rate;

Vigorously develop steel structure and other prefabricated buildings, and actively promote the application of steel structure prefabricated buildings in large public buildings and high-rise buildings;

Promote prefabricated decoration and delivery of full decoration, increase the application ratio of overall bathroom, overall kitchen, dry construction method floor, pipeline separation, etc., and promote the reduction of construction waste;

Carry out research on key technologies of assembly-based construction suitable for the characteristics of coastal areas, promote the productization of prefabricated buildings and the development of parts and components, guide enterprises to strengthen the research and application of standards and construction methods, and build a number of prefabricated construction industry bases.

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