Hunan Province strictly controls the quality of fully-furnished commercial housing projects. The project has become a fully-furnished demonstration project


Hunan Province strictly controls the quality of fully-furnished commercial housing projects. The project has become a fully-furnished demonstration project

The 2020 "Quality Month" Changsha City Quality Management Standardization Demonstration Project and Vanke Golden Mile International Phase IV Full Decoration Seiko Observation Meeting.

With the extensive development of China's real estate industry in the past to refined operations, under the general trend of health, livability, energy conservation and environmental protection, it is a general trend for commercial housing to be fully decorated. In order to improve the quality level and quality of construction projects in the province, to provide strong support for the construction of a province with a strong quality and a decisive victory to build a well-off society in an all-round way. On September 29, the 2020 "Quality Month" full-length Shashi quality management standardization demonstration project and Vanke Golden Mile International Phase IV Full Decoration Seiko Observation Meeting were successfully held.

The observation meeting was hosted by the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Hunan Province and Changsha Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, and co-organized by the construction unit Vanke Changsha Company and the construction unit Jinhuang Decoration. To draw a new blueprint for the "14th Five-Year Plan", it is necessary to tap the huge potential of expanding economic growth. This observation meeting conducted extensive exchanges and discussions on "How to improve the quality of housing construction and house decoration in Hunan", "How to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Hunan's full decoration" "How can industry benchmarking enterprises lead the industrial development of Hunan prefabricated buildings and prefabricated decoration, and boost Hunan's economic and social development". 

Hunan Province strictly controls the quality of fully-furnished commercial housing projects. The project has become a fully-furnished demonstration project

Gao Dongshan, inspector from the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province, He Xiaobing, Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province, Ma Daifang, an investigator of the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Changsha City, Li Yanqing, Director of the Department of Housing Security, Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Changsha City, Li Xu, deputy director of the Development Division of Changsha Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Wang Kewen, deputy general manager of Vanke Changsha Company, Yang Chenglin, deputy general manager of Vanke Changsha Company, Tong Binyuan, chairman of Jinhuang Science and Technology Group, and representatives of more than 60 real estate companies from across the province attended the observation activity.

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