Shizuishan, Ningxia: Take the lead in realizing full coverage of prefabricated applications in civil construction scenes


Recently, the State Grid Shizuishan Power Supply Company adopted the method of prefabricated cable pipes and prefabricated cable wells at the construction site of the Nangu Line, shortening the construction content that used to take 3 days to complete to 2 hours. While improving construction efficiency, the level of on-site safety management and process quality have been greatly improved. And it took the lead in realizing the full coverage of prefabricated and prefabricated applications in 5 types of civil construction scenarios including cable trenches, cable wells, cable pipes, ring cage foundations, and box substation foundations.

In 2022, the State Grid Shizuishan Power Supply Company will address the problems in the civil construction process, such as many on-site pouring procedures, long construction period, many operators, greater safety risks, great influence by weather, and inability to effectively guarantee process quality. Explore and carry out prefabricated construction of 5 types of civil construction scenarios including cable ducts, ring cage foundations, and box-transformation foundations. The construction links such as steel bar binding, formwork support, and concrete pouring that were originally constructed on site are prefabricated in advance in the project, and only need to be spliced and assembled on site. Since March, expert demonstrations have been organized for many times, and investigations have been conducted with manufacturers. According to the typical design requirements of State Grid Corporation of China, combined with the actual situation on the site, a total of 19 kinds of prefabrication schemes for civil engineering have been determined. Formulate management systems such as "Typical Design of Prefabricated Prefabricated Civil Engineering for Distribution Network Engineering" and "Specifications for Installation, Construction and Quality Acceptance of Prefabricated Prefabricated Concrete Products for Distribution Network Engineering" to promote the prefabrication of civil engineering.

"Now it only takes ten minutes to install a cable well on site, and the number of construction links has been reduced from 6 to 2, and the previous links such as formwork support, steel bar binding, concrete pouring, and maintenance do not need to be done on site. The on-site installation period has been reduced from 7 days to less than half a day, and the work efficiency has increased by at least 10 times." The person in charge of the on-site work sighed after installing the prefabricated cable well. After the pilot application, the prefabricated foundation is used for construction, and the effect of reducing people and improving efficiency is obvious. Safety management and control capabilities, on-site construction efficiency, process quality levels, and high-quality service capabilities have been effectively improved, and operational safety risks, construction subcontracting ratios, project cost levels, and project management costs have been significantly reduced.

In the next step, State Grid Shizuishan Power Supply Company will continue to deepen the application of factory prefabrication construction, improve the construction capacity of distribution network engineering, and use standardized project department construction, mechanized construction and other means. Comprehensively improve the safety, quality and efficiency of distribution network engineering construction, fully promote the transformation and upgrading of distribution network engineering construction, help build a first-class distribution network, and serve economic and social development.

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