Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development: Pay attention to the protection of construction workers' employment and rights and interests

Author:ID: zhjswcc


On September 7, the General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Notice on Further Doing a Good Job in Employment Services and Protection of Rights and Interests of Construction Workers". It is required to promote the stable employment of construction workers, protect the legitimate rights and interests of construction workers, and coordinate the work of safety production and people's livelihood in the field of housing and municipal engineering construction.


In order to promote the stable employment of construction workers and protect the legitimate rights and interests of construction workers, the "Notice" will strengthen vocational training to improve the skills of construction workers; strengthen job guidelines and promote orderly management of construction workers. Eight requirements were put forward in four aspects: strengthening the relief of difficulties and increasing employment positions for construction workers; strengthening safety education and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of construction workers.

The "Notice" requires that vocational training be strengthened to improve the skill level of construction workers. It is necessary to guide leading construction enterprises to actively explore modes such as cooperating with higher vocational colleges in running schools and building construction industry worker training bases, and organically combine skills training, practical training, assessment and evaluation with on-site construction. Encourage construction enterprises and construction workers to use various methods such as masters leading apprentices, individual self-study and centralized tutoring, etc., to highlight the pertinence and practicality of training. Guide construction enterprises to link skill level with salary, so that those with more skills will get more and those who work more will get more.

Fully implement the standards for the provision of skilled workers at the construction site, take the compliance with the standards for the provision of skilled workers at the construction site as an important part of the construction market and project quality and safety inspections of the projects under construction, and promote the deployment of skilled workers on the construction site.

The "Notice" requires that job guidelines should be strengthened to promote the orderly management of construction workers. Factors such as industry characteristics and individual differences of migrant workers in the field of housing and municipal engineering construction should be coordinated, and the construction construction is mostly heavy physical labor, and the requirements for personnel health conditions and physical conditions are relatively high. Strengthen job guidance and guide construction enterprises to gradually establish a classification management system for the employment of construction workers. It is necessary to respect the employment needs of migrant workers and the employment needs of construction enterprises, reasonably arrange work according to the specific conditions of enterprises, projects and positions, and earnestly safeguard the employment rights and interests of migrant workers.

To actively expand employment channels. For migrant workers who are not suitable to continue to engage in construction activities, provide training information that meets market needs and is easy to learn and use. Carry out targeted vocational skills training and employment guidance to guide them to find employment in areas with low labor intensity and low safety risks, such as sanitation and property, and expand employment channels.

The "Notice" calls for strengthening the relief of difficulties and increasing the employment of construction workers. It is necessary to strictly implement the requirements for deferred payment of migrant workers' wages and deposits in stages, increase the proportion of construction progress payment, further reduce the burden on construction enterprises, and effectively increase the employment of construction workers. Relying on the special investment project of cash-for-work, under the premise of ensuring the quality and safety of the project and meeting the schedule requirements, combined with the needs of local construction workers, the employment potential is fully tapped, and the cash-for-work is used to help construction workers work nearby to achieve employment and increase income.

The "Notice" requires that safety education be strengthened to protect the legitimate rights and interests of construction workers. Construction enterprises should establish and improve the construction site safety management system, strictly implement the main responsibility for safety production, and conduct safety production education and training according to regulations for construction workers who enter the construction site to engage in construction operations. Continuously improve the safety production awareness and skill level of construction workers, and reduce illegal command, illegal operation and violation of labor discipline.

It is necessary to equip labor protection articles with protective functions such as helmets and safety belts that meet industry standards, and continue to improve the safe production conditions and working environment of construction workers. Implement the policy for construction workers to participate in work-related injury insurance, and further expand the coverage of work-related injury insurance.

It is necessary to strengthen industry supervision in accordance with the law, severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations such as subcontracting and affiliation, and continue to regulate the order of the construction market. Policies and measures such as special accounts for wages in the field of engineering construction, wage deposits for migrant workers, and publicity of rights protection information should be used to ensure the payment of wages of migrant workers and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of construction workers.

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