The Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Bozhou City, Anhui Province actively promotes the vigorous development of the construction of prefabricated building bases


As of September, the city has built 6 prefabricated production enterprises, with a production capacity of about 510,000 cubic meters per year for concrete and about 540,000 tons per year for steel structure.

Implement policy guarantees. In the annual land supply plan, the construction land indicators for prefabricated building projects are guaranteed, and the proportion of prefabricated buildings and the assembly rate indicators are specified in the land transfer announcement and land transfer contract.

Increase support. Encourage and support Bozhou City's prefabricated construction industry base to create a provincial-level manufacturing innovation center, enterprise technology center, and engineering technology research center, and improve technology research and development support policies.

Improve the industrial chain. Increase investment in equipment manufacturing, construction machinery, steel structures, building parts, integral bathrooms, new environmentally friendly building materials, etc., and accelerate the formation of prefabricated building technology systems and products that meet market needs.

Reduce industrial costs. Accelerate the improvement of the standardization of prefabricated buildings, formulate design selection standards for prefabricated buildings, and effectively reduce the production cost of enterprises.

Strengthen investment scheduling. Adhere to scheduling industrial investment promotion every half month, focus on green assembly industry, solidly promote investment promotion in the entire industry chain, strengthen investment promotion through business, create a good environment, improve service levels, and ensure that projects are implemented and effective.

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