Green logistics, prefabricated buildings...Zhejiang Province released the construction plan for a global "no-waste city"

Author:ID: zjhbxww


Recently, the Office of Zhejiang Beautiful Zhejiang Construction Leading Group issued the "Zhejiang Province-wide "Waste-Free City" Construction Implementation Plan (2022-2025)". It is planned that by 2025, all districted cities and 60% of the counties (cities, districts) have passed the assessment of the construction of a "no-waste city" in the whole region, and the construction of a "no-waste city" in the whole region will be at the forefront of China.

It is reported that "no waste city" is an urban development model that continuously promotes the reduction and resource utilization of solid waste sources, minimizes the amount of landfill, and minimizes environmental impact. At the beginning of 2020, Zhejiang took the lead in carrying out the construction of "no-waste cities" in the whole country. In April this year, all districts and cities were selected into the list of "no-waste cities" during the national "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

Source reduction is still the focus of waste control

It is planned that by 2025, the province's industrial solid waste generation intensity will achieve negative growth, and the proportion of prefabricated buildings will reach 35%, to curb the rapid growth of construction waste. Domestic waste focuses on banning and restricting plastics, green logistics, and striving for zero growth of waste packaging in the express logistics industry.

Comprehensive utilization to promote resource circulation

In the field of industrial solid waste, it is planned to build more than one national comprehensive utilization base of bulk solid waste, and deepen the national resource recycling base in Quzhou and Taizhou. Vigorously promote the comprehensive utilization of hazardous waste resources with waste incineration fly ash and industrial waste salt as the main body. By 2025, the proportion of hazardous waste landfill disposal in the province will drop from 15% last year to less than 5%. The comprehensive utilization rate of construction waste reaches 90%.

Harmless disposal to guard the security line

By 2025, more than 50% of hazardous waste utilization and disposal enterprises will be upgraded, and more than 10 leading enterprises with national influence will be cultivated. Carry out the investigation and treatment of solid waste dumps such as domestic waste landfills and stock construction waste dumps, and upgrade and upgrade a number of domestic waste transfer and incineration facilities.

Comprehensive utilization to promote resource circulation

In the field of industrial solid waste, in addition, the "Implementation Plan" also plans to speed up the construction of a collection and transportation system. The hazardous waste collection and transportation system will achieve full dynamic coverage of small and micro enterprises, and the collection and transportation of general industrial solid waste, domestic waste and renewable resources will accelerate the "three-network integration". By 2025, the unified collection and transportation system will cover all counties (cities, districts).

On the basis of undertaking the national plan, Zhejiang Province added a number of Zhejiang characteristic indicators to fully reflect the identification of Zhejiang, and further refined and quantified qualitative tasks, and formulated construction management regulations, construction indicators and evaluation rules.

Especially in terms of digital reform, focusing on the goal of the country's only pilot province for the digital reform of "no-waste cities", the application of "no-waste cities online" has been continuously iterated. Further strengthen the closed-loop supervision of the whole chain of solid waste, deepen the research and application of the "no-waste index", and further optimize the evaluation system of solid waste treatment, so as to provide Zhejiang experience for the modernization of the national solid waste treatment capacity and treatment system.

At the same time, vigorously promote public participation, and promote the formation of a simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption model, and spread the concept of "no waste" by creating a "no-waste Asian Games".

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