Construction of the first prefabricated underground main passage in Yichang City, Hubei Province completed


At about 21:00 on August 31, with the movement of the pedestrian underpass in Yanjiang Avenue Natural Tower Park in Yichang City, this section of Yanjiang Avenue was restored from half-width traffic to two-way five-lane traffic, and will gradually be restored to two-way six-lane traffic.

The pedestrian underpass project in the Natural Tower Park of Yanjiang Avenue is the first pedestrian underpass using prefabricated construction technology in Yichang. It was constructed by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Wujiagang District and constructed by Hubei Qingjiang Road and Bridge Construction Co., Ltd. The main passage is composed of 14 reinforced concrete prefabricated parts with a length of 2 meters, a width of 5.8 meters and a height of 4.4 meters.

"The underground passage is mainly assembled from these prefabricated components. These prefabricated components are processed in the factory through custom molds, and after indoor steam curing, their strength can meet the requirements of hoisting and backfilling after 24 hours, which can shorten the construction period by nearly 2 months." Huang Youguang, the project leader of Hubei Qingjiang Road and Bridge Construction Co., Ltd., introduced that the passage adopts a barrier-free design concept and is expected to be completed before October 1, more than 130 days ahead of the contract construction period.

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