Dezhou City promotes the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry with greater efforts


Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the double impact of the suspension of work during the Spring Festival holiday and the epidemic, construction enterprises in Dezhou City have withstood the pressure and accelerated the resumption of work and production. From January to July, the total output value of the city's construction industry was 19.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12%.

The first is to formulate policies and measures to help the construction economy "get off to a good start", and reward construction enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to increasing production. In the first quarter of this year, a total of 7 eligible construction enterprises have cashed out 700,000 yuan in incentive funds.

The second is to actively do a good job in the integration of construction industry, hold a special meeting on statistical indicators in the field of housing construction in the city, strengthen the statistical infrastructure construction of construction enterprises above the qualification, and promote the entry of construction enterprises in Dezhou into the national system. It has done all the things that should be paid and collected. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 32 construction enterprises have been included in the statistical department system.

The third is to strengthen the guidance, support and services for enterprises, organize a symposium for key construction enterprises in Dezhou, understand the blocking points, difficulties and pain points encountered in the development of enterprises, and guide enterprises to upgrade their qualifications. Up to now, 1 company has officially applied for the special qualification for general contracting of construction projects, and 5 companies have officially applied for the first-class qualifications for general contracting of construction projects.

Fourth, actively promote the "government-bank-enterprise" cooperation. The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has successively signed strategic cooperation agreements with China Construction Bank Dezhou Branch and Hengfeng Bank Dezhou Branch to effectively solve the problems of difficult and expensive financing for enterprises. It has provided strong support for promoting the sustainable and high-quality development of the city's housing and urban-rural construction, especially the construction industry.

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