Dezhou City makes every effort to build a pilot city for intelligent construction


On August 29, the reporter learned from the housing construction department that Dezhou is currently actively building a national intelligent construction pilot city, cultivating a group of leading intelligent construction enterprises, and formulating an intelligent construction policy system, management system, and standard system.

In recent years, Dezhou has vigorously promoted intelligent construction, researched and introduced a policy system to support intelligent construction, and created a policy environment to support intelligent construction. Increase the cultivation of the intelligent construction industry, take Tianqu New District as the center, and use key prefabricated building intelligent construction enterprises as the carrier to promote leading enterprises to transition to the high end of the value chain.

Increase the intensity of intelligent supervision, continue to improve the closed-loop management system of digital drawings throughout the process, establish an information management system for engineering surveys, and a smart construction site supervision system, and promote the digital and intelligent process of construction engineering supervision. Two cases in Dezhou City were selected as typical cases of intelligent construction by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the number of selected cases ranks among the best in the country.

In the fields of building energy conservation, building industrialization, and intelligence, Dezhou has 1 national-level engineering technology research center and 2 national-level post-doctoral research stations. The State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases and the Industry-University-Research Base Joint R&D Center jointly launched with the team of Academician Zhong Nanshan, with 8 nationally certified laboratories.

In terms of solar energy utilization, Dezhou is the first city in the country to implement the integration of solar water heaters and building structures, and has won the National Human Settlement Model Award. In terms of HVAC, it has the largest HVAC production and installation industry cluster in Jiangbei, and enjoys the reputation of China Central Air-Conditioning City and China's North Industrial Base of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning.

In the next step, Dezhou City will promote "standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, digital management, and intelligent application" of buildings. In 2025, the city's intelligent construction and construction industrialization coordinated development policy system and industrial system will be basically established, and the construction industrialization, standardization, and intelligent level plan will reach the domestic leading level.

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