One floor can be built in 3 days, intelligent construction robots... 3239 smart construction sites have been built in Chongqing City


On August 22, the 2022 China International Intelligent Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Intelligent Expo") opened in Chongqing. At the intelligent construction theme exhibition, the equipment technologies such as residential building machines and intelligent construction robots on display fully demonstrated the construction achievements of Chongqing in smart construction sites in recent years.

Smart construction site refers to the use of information technology, through big data, Internet of Things, AI recognition, three-dimensional collaboration and other technologies, to comprehensively manage the construction process, and to mine and analyze engineering construction information data in real time to improve the comprehensive management level of quality and safety.

The "residential building machine" jointly developed by the China Institute of Advanced Construction Technology and the China Construction Third Engineering Bureau is a new type of "building building machine" developed and upgraded on the basis of the super high-rise construction equipment "air building machine". The self-weight is only 270 tons, and it has been used in high-rise residential projects in Chongqing, Chengdu and Guangzhou.

"Residential building machine" is composed of five systems: steel platform system, support system, power and control system, formwork system, and hanger system. It covers 5-8 structural layers vertically, and can realize multi-process, high-efficiency, three-dimensional flow operations of facade structure, masonry, insulation, decoration, etc. It has the characteristics of high construction efficiency, large bearing capacity, and lightweight structure. It only takes 80 minutes at the fastest for each floor to be raised, and a floor can be built in 3 days.

The intelligent construction robots exhibited by China Metallurgical CCID Group Co., Ltd. are rich in variety and complete in functions. Ground paving robots and concrete finishing robots replace manual concrete paving and finishing of indoor floors through advanced technologies such as data processing and artificial intelligence algorithms based on BIM models.

While improving construction accuracy and reducing quality problems such as hollowing, cracking, and poor flatness on the floor and floor, the robot greatly improves construction efficiency, which is more than 200% higher than traditional manual construction. And the robot's operation status, operation results and other information can be integrated into the smart construction site system for real-time and visual presentation, which improves the convenience and timeliness of management.

In recent years, Chongqing has continuously promoted the construction of smart construction sites. It took the lead in publishing the construction and evaluation standards of smart construction sites nationwide, and issued documents such as "Chongqing Municipal Housing and Municipal Engineering Smart Construction Site Management Regulations" and "Technical Rules for Smart Construction and Evaluation". Continuously improve the smart construction site classification evaluation management system, optimize the functions of the smart construction site system, and guide and motivate project participating units to promote the normalization and full-coverage development of smart construction sites.

At the same time, Chongqing has also innovated the application of technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, and "AI" algorithms, strengthened the management of key elements such as "people, machines, materials, methods, and environment" on the construction site, and explored "Internet + supervision". Empowering project management through informatization and intelligence has effectively improved the level of quality and safety control, construction organization efficiency and comprehensive management benefits.

Up to now, in addition to the 3,239 smart construction sites that have been built, 878 smart construction sites have been declared for new construction projects in the city in 2022 (654 one-star projects, 72 two-star projects, and 152 three-star projects). It has applied for 195 application implementation evaluations (126 one-star, 21 two-star, 48 three-star), and has obtained 24 star-level smart construction site certificates (10 one-star, 4 two-star, 10 three-star).

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee will focus on the improvement of government supervision and service efficiency, continuously improve the functions of the smart construction site management platform, and strengthen the application effectiveness of smart construction sites. Consolidate the main responsibilities of all parties, promote intelligent construction methods, intelligent on-site management, and visualization of departmental supervision, vigorously improve the modernization level of the construction quality and safety assurance system and management capabilities, and facilitate the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the construction industry.

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