The top of the main body of the first underground excavation station in Qingdao has been completed, and the longest prefabricated station has been assembled


On August 21, good news came within a day of the first phase of Qingdao Metro Line 6: the main structure of the first underground excavated subway station on the entire line was capped, and the assembly of the longest prefabricated subway station on the entire line was completed. Since the start of construction, Qingdao Metro Line 6 has stepped up construction, promoting the overall acceleration of project construction.

The main body of the first underground excavation station is capped

On August 21, with the completion of the final concrete pouring of the roof, it marked that the main structure of Qingdao Metro Line 6 Qingyi West Campus Station was successfully capped, and it became the first underground excavation station on the entire line to complete the capping.

Qingyi West Campus Station is an underground two-story island station with a total length of 253.4 meters, a width of 19.5 meters and a height of 17.7 meters. The main body of the station is mainly located in the lightly weathered granite stratum, and the depth of the vault is about 25.8 meters.

Qingyi West Branch Station adopts the underground excavation construction method, and combined with the geological characteristics, it is the first in the country to adopt the "active support technology for large-span underground excavation stations", which optimizes the CD method with high risk, long construction period and low efficiency to the step method for construction. In layman's terms, the station is divided into several parts, and the alternate construction is optimized into the overall construction of the entire station. This technology can reduce the amount of steel by 30% and the amount of concrete by 30%, greatly shortening the excavation period of the station.

According to reports, this technological innovation practice has formed new theories, new construction methods and new technologies for the design and construction of subway hard rock underground excavation stations, formed an innovative demonstration project, and provided an important reference for similar projects. The technology has been evaluated by authoritative experts and has reached the international leading level, and has broad prospects for promotion and application.

▲Fuchunjiang Road Station of Metro Line 6 has been assembled.

The longest prefabricated station is assembled

On the same day, at the construction site of Fuchunjiang Road Station of Qingdao Metro Line 6, the last mid-board of the station was accurately positioned and fastened. So far, the longest prefabricated subway station on the entire line has been successfully assembled. This is also the second prefabricated station completed by Qingdao Metro, and the other prefabricated station is Keluoshi Station.

The prefabricated subway station is to centrally produce the station components in the prefabrication factory, and then assemble the prefabricated components in sequence like "building blocks" at the construction site. In April this year, the main structure of the first all-round prefabricated subway station in the country, Keluoshi Station of Qingdao Metro Line 6, was successfully completed.

The completed subway station is Fuchunjiang Road Station, which is an underground two-story island station with a total length of 286.8 meters. The cast-in-place section is located at both ends of the station, with a total length of 66.8 meters. The prefabricated assembly section is located in the middle of the station, with a total length of 220 meters. There are 110 rings and 590 assembly components. The heaviest roof component is over 10 meters long and weighs 67 tons. The total assembled weight of the station is 24,800 tons, which is the longest prefabricated subway station in the first phase of Metro Line 6.

The integration of assembly technology is a key measure to build a world-class subway. Qingdao Metro Line 6 planned ahead, took the lead in research and practice of prefabricated assembly technology for subway stations, and successfully solved technical problems such as production, turnover, hoisting, and transportation of large-volume non-prestressed concrete components. At the same time, the tooling equipment of "160-ton intelligent gantry crane + integrally separated intelligent trolley" was developed, and the assembly precision was controlled at the millimeter level by comprehensively using information technology such as 3D laser scanning and BIM.

According to reports, compared with the traditional cast-in-place station construction, the prefabricated station greatly improves the station space utilization, saves steel and wood, reduces the number of workers by 80%, and reduces construction waste by 50%-60%, which promotes the green development of urban rail. .

▲The longest prefabricated subway station on Line 6 has been assembled

8 stations have been capped

Up to now, the first phase of Qingdao Metro Line 6 has achieved the capping of the main structures of 8 stations, 43 sets of section excavation equipment have been launched, 15 single-line sections have been connected, and 73.5% of section excavation has been completed.

The construction of the first phase of Qingdao Metro Line 6 started in December 2019. The starting point is Xintun Road Station and the end point is Ecological Park Station. The total length of the line is about 30.8 kilometers, with a total of 21 stations. It is planned to be completed by the end of 2024. The line is laid along the main roads such as Kaicheng Road, Changjiang Road and Tuanjie Road, and connects Yinzhu Street, Lingshanwei Street, Changjiang Road Street, Xin'an Street, Huangdao Street and Hongshiya Street in sequence. It connects the three functional areas of Lingshan Bay Film and Television Cultural Industry Zone, Economic and Technological Development Zone and International Economic Cooperation Zone.

On July 2 this year, the second phase of Qingdao Metro Line 6 officially started. The second phase of the project line is 13.867 kilometers long and has 10 stations. Among them, 3 transfer stations are respectively connected with planned Line 22, existing Line 13 and planned Line 19. Line 6 is the second subway line all located in the new district. After the completion of the project, it will become a large-capacity backbone line running through the central city.

In the next step, the West Coast Construction Branch will continue to implement the requirements of the "Be the leader, set an example, and start a new game", carry out in-depth management innovation and technological innovation, and be brave in taking responsibilities and overcoming difficulties. To help Qingdao Metro successfully achieve the goal of "building a world-class subway and building a first-class city investment and construction operator", boosting the early completion of "Qingdao on the Track", and continuously improving citizens' travel convenience and life satisfaction.

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