Guangxi's construction industry output value reached one trillion yuan at the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period


The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region recently issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the High-Quality Development of Guangxi's Construction Industry", proposing that by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the scale of Guangxi's construction industry will leap to a new level. The industrial structure will be optimized as a whole, the degree of industrialization of construction has reached the national average level, significant progress has been made in scientific and technological innovation and intelligent construction, the leap-forward development of green and energy-saving buildings has been achieved, the ability to manage the construction market order has been greatly improved, and the quality, safety and health of projects has been significantly improved.

According to the plan, by the end of 2025, the output value of the construction industry in the region will reach 1 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 12%. Among them, the proportion of output value completed by special and first-class construction enterprises reached 70%, and the output value outside the district accounted for 18% of the total output value of the construction industry in the region. A group of leading enterprises in construction, prefabricated buildings, and green and energy-saving buildings will be cultivated, and there will be one construction enterprise with a main business income of more than 80 billion yuan and 15 construction enterprises with a revenue of more than 10 billion yuan.

Green buildings and energy-saving buildings have been fully developed, and by 2025, new buildings in urban planning areas will fully implement green building standards. The discharge of construction waste (excluding engineering dregs and engineering mud) at the construction site of new buildings shall not be higher than 300 tons per 10,000 square meters. Increase the development, production, promotion and application of green new wall materials, and realize that the output of new wall materials accounts for 92% of the total wall materials.

It is understood that the urbanization rate of Guangxi in 2021 is 55.08%, 9.64 percentage points behind the national average. Urban infrastructure construction still has great growth potential. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Guangxi vigorously carried out the construction of key projects such as sponge cities and urban underground comprehensive pipe corridors, which provided a strong foundation for the development of Guangxi's construction industry. In addition, the construction of domestic urban and rural living environment and the new infrastructure brought about by the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy have further broadened the development channels of the construction industry.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Guangxi Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department, Guangxi will optimize the industrial structure, optimize the construction market environment, improve the industrialization level of new buildings, vigorously develop intelligent construction, and innovate production organization models. At the same time, they will focus on eight aspects: building a team of construction industry workers, comprehensively developing green and energy-saving construction, and improving the quality and safety of projects, so as to promote the high-quality development of the construction industry.

According to reports, the construction industry has continued to strengthen its status as a pillar industry in Guangxi, and has made important contributions to promoting urban and rural construction and the development of new urbanization, improving people's living conditions, absorbing rural migrant labor, and alleviating social employment pressure.

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