The largest domestic steel and concrete assembly-type production enterprise settled in Panyu City, Guangzhou's Province


On the morning of September 28, China Railway Construction South China Construction (Guangzhou) Building Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Building Materials Company), jointly funded by China Railway Construction South China Construction and China Railway 11th Bureau, held an unveiling ceremony in Panyu District, Guangzhou and officially settled in Guangzhou.

The largest domestic steel and concrete assembly-type production enterprise settled in Panyu City, Guangzhou's Province

According to reports, this is currently the largest domestic enterprise focusing on assembly-type production of steel and concrete products. At the unveiling ceremony, Wan Ming, the person in charge of the building materials company, introduced that the building materials company has three processing plants, namely Nansha processing plant, Panyu processing plant, and concrete product plant mainly prefabricating concrete products. The plant covers an area of about 218 acres, with a total of 118 sets of mechanical equipment.

The largest domestic steel and concrete assembly-type production enterprise settled in Panyu City, Guangzhou's Province

The daily output of the two steel processing plants can reach 800 tons, and the concrete product plant has a composite production line that can simultaneously produce double-block sleepers, subway short sleepers, turnout sleepers, and ordinary sleepers. At present, the three processing plants are mainly responsible for the processing of various finished steel products and the prefabrication of concrete products for lines 10, 18 and 22 of the Guangzhou Rail Transit Project.

Entering the steel processing plant of a building material company, a production line composed of highly automated and intelligent machinery and equipment is busy processing steel, and workers are busy inputting production instructions in front of the informationized control console. Pieces of processed steel products rolled out of the machinery and equipment in an orderly manner.

According to Liu Yubin, the relevant technical person in charge of the building materials company, the centralized processing and distribution of steel is an important part of the infrastructure industry. Compared with the previous decentralized on-site steel reinforcement processing methods, centralized processing in the factory can reduce land use, protect the environment, avoid waste of disorderly allocation of various production factors, and promote the resolution of excess capacity. At the same time, it is convenient to promote the promotion of advanced process tooling equipment, mechanization, intelligence, informationization, and safety and quality are more reliable. It is the future development trend of prefabricated buildings.

In the information control room of the building materials company, a multi-dimensional information management platform formed by the use of 5G Internet of Things, EMS production management system and GPS positioning system came into view. On the huge electronic display, every corner of the steel processing plant can be seen.

Wan Ming introduced that after adopting the centralized steel processing model, the company produces nearly 1,000 tons of steel bars for more than 20 customers every day, and the information is complicated. For this reason, an information-based cloud management system has been introduced. It can effectively, accurately and quickly control all kinds of production information, and deliver the finished products to the construction site efficiently and accurately to meet the needs of project construction. Wan Ming said that the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan Outline" proposes to build a modern comprehensive transportation system, which provides a broad market space for the survival and development of construction enterprises. As one of the core engines for the development of the Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou will provide a broad space for the growth and development of enterprises.

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