Focusing on the "dual carbon" track, Chongqing promotes green development of urban and rural construction


The reporter recently learned from the Chongqing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee that Chongqing actively follows the requirements of the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Urban and Rural Construction.

Vigorously promote high-quality green buildings, accelerate the modernization of the construction industry, continue to optimize the structure of building energy use, and promote urban construction to move steadily towards the "dual carbon" goal.

Not long ago, the first zero-carbon building in Chongqing, Beibei "Zero-Carbon Cabin", located on the bank of Cuiyue Lake in Jinyun Mountain, Beibei District, was put into use, attracting the attention of many citizens.

"Zero Carbon Cabin" is a silhouette of Chongqing's vigorous promotion of green buildings and the exploration of high-quality buildings such as near-zero energy consumption and low-carbon (zero-carbon) buildings. According to reports, since the comprehensive promotion of green buildings in 2013, Chongqing has built three green development systems of single buildings, residential quarters and ecological urban areas, and gradually realized the leap-forward development from building energy conservation to green buildings.

According to the "14th Five-Year Plan for Green Buildings in Chongqing (2021-2025)", by 2025, the proportion of urban green buildings in Chongqing will increase to 100% of new buildings. The application ratio of green building materials in new buildings in the city will exceed 70%, and 10 million square meters of star-rated green buildings will be built.

Recently, the Chongqing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee and the Municipal Finance Bureau jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of Prefabricated Building Farm House Construction", requiring vigorous development of prefabricated concrete structure and prefabricated steel structure farm houses. Strive to build a batch of livable demonstration prefabricated farmhouses with “safe structure, modern functions, rustic appearance, and green environmental protection” by 2025, and provide farmers with a subsidy of 500 yuan per square meter for constructing prefabricated farmhouses for self-occupation and self-use.

It is understood that the "upgrade" of the construction method of prefabricated buildings has brought higher construction efficiency. According to estimates, it takes about 10 days to build a building in the traditional way, but with prefabricated construction technology, it only takes 3 days to build a floor. At the same time, most of the light steel houses in prefabricated buildings use environmentally friendly materials, which can also be recycled and reused after dismantling, with a recycling rate of more than 90%.

It is understood that up to now, Chongqing has implemented more than 30 million square meters of prefabricated buildings, and the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the central urban area has reached 36%. In 2020, Chongqing was rated as a national prefabricated building demonstration city by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

According to reports, Chongqing Construction will have more room for development in intelligent operation and maintenance. According to the "14th Five-Year Plan for Green Buildings in Chongqing (2021-2025)", Chongqing will improve the management mechanism for the green transformation of existing public buildings, and promote the transformation of existing public buildings from energy-saving transformation to green transformation. Strengthen the sharing mechanism of statistical data such as water supply, gas, and electricity. Through integration, analysis and mining of data application value, it guides building owners and third-party service agencies to implement precise operation and transformation of building energy systems. It will also promote the construction and application of the public building energy conservation supervision system, improve the building energy consumption supervision platform, and take the lead in promoting the implementation of energy consumption quotas or quotas in the field of public institutions, so as to help cities reduce carbon emissions and promote green development.

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