Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development investigates the establishment of Nantong Green Building Demonstration Zone



Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development came to Tongtong to investigate the establishment of the green building demonstration zone in Nantong City.

The research team listened to the reports on Nantong City's establishment of a provincial-level public building energy efficiency improvement demonstration city and Qidong City's establishment of a provincial-level green and livable urban area. They affirmed Nantong's experience in establishing a whole-process supervision mechanism for green building construction, promoting energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and large-scale construction of high-quality green buildings, and put forward specific requirements for the creation of provincial demonstration zones. The research team inspected demonstration projects such as the green energy-saving renovation of Nantong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Qidong Poly Theater.

In recent years, Nantong City has taken the opportunity of creating a provincial-level green building demonstration zone, adhered to both high-standard construction of new buildings and green and energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and comprehensively promoted the green and low-carbon development of the construction field. At present, Nantong City has built 4 provincial-level green building demonstration zones, and 2 demonstration zones are under construction, effectively forming a new pattern of point-to-point, guided by demonstration projects to the development of the entire green building industry chain, helping Nantong City achieve the goal of carbon peaking in the construction field.

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