By 2025, the proportion of star-rated green buildings in Henan Province will reach more than 30%


In order to promote the preparation of special plans for green buildings in an orderly manner and improve the development level of green buildings in Henan Province, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently issued the "Technical Guidelines for the Preparation of Special Plans for Green Building Development in Henan Province (Trial)", which provide normative guidance for Henan Province to carry out special planning for green buildings.

The "Guidelines" are compiled in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, overall planning of land and space in China, and related work on carbon peaking and carbon neutralization in the field of urban and rural construction, and in combination with the characteristics of Henan's climate, environment, energy, economy and industrial development. , moderately ahead of schedule, overall consideration, highlighting the key points" principle, from the six aspects of general rules, terms, basic regulations, compilation content, achievement requirements and implementation requirements, the development goals and key tasks of green buildings are clarified.

According to the "Guidelines", by 2025, the proportion of star-rated green buildings in all provincial cities in the province will account for more than 30%. In 2035, the proportion of star-rated green buildings in all provinces and municipalities will reach more than 40%, and the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings will reach 50% or more.

In recent years, my country has successively issued a number of documents such as the Action Plan for the Creation of Green Buildings, the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment and Improvement of a Green, Low-Carbon and Circular Development Economic System, and the Opinions on Promoting the Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction. Green buildings put forward clear requirements. On December 28, 2021, the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth People's Congress of Henan Province reviewed and approved the "Henan Province Green Building Regulations". It clearly stipulates the planning and standards of green buildings, construction and renovation, technological innovation and recycling, operation and guarantee, and legal responsibilities, etc. It is based on national standards and adapts measures to local conditions and has more local characteristics. From March 1, 2022, new civil buildings within the urban planning area will be constructed in accordance with green building standards, and Henan will fully enter the era of "green buildings". According to statistics, in the first half of 2022, the new green building area in Henan Province will be 33 million square meters, and the new green building area will account for 79% of the new building area. The development of green buildings has achieved remarkable results.

"The issuance of the "Guidelines" not only helps to standardize the preparation of special planning for green buildings in Henan Province, and further promotes the high-quality development of green buildings in Henan Province, but also is an important measure for Henan Province to actively implement the central government's major strategic decision-making arrangements for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. It is of great significance to continuously improve the development level of green buildings in Henan Province and promote the high-quality development of green buildings in Henan Province. "The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said.

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