The first prefabricated rental housing project in Jinan is fully capped


“绿色”租赁住房来了 济南首个装配式租赁住房项目全面封顶

Jinan's first prefabricated rental housing project - rental housing in Cuizhai Area, Jinan's new and old kinetic energy conversion starting area (Photo by Gu Qing)

Recently, the city's first rental housing project that adopts the prefabricated construction method ushered in an important node of full capping. The project is located in the north of Cuizhai area, the starting area for the conversion of new and old kinetic energy in Jinan. There are 14 buildings in total. After completion, it will not only alleviate the problem of regional job-housing imbalance, but also contribute more "green" wisdom and experience to the construction of Jinan's rental housing market.

5 prefab projects can provide 9220 units

Introducing the concept of "green" into the field of rental housing and promoting rental housing to become the vanguard of green buildings is an important practice in Jinan City's three-year pilot work in cultivating and developing the housing rental market. This is also in line with the "modern green and smart new city" development concept of Jinan's new and old kinetic energy conversion starting area.

According to reports, the 14 residential buildings capped this time all adopt the prefabricated construction method and the whole-process engineering consultation + EPC project general contracting mode.

"The prefabricated building has the characteristics of energy saving, material saving, carbon reduction, short construction period, labor saving, and excellent performance, which highly conforms to the requirements and positioning of the starting area for energy saving and environmental protection." Relevant staff from the Housing and Construction Department of the Construction Management Department of the Jinan New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion Starting Area Management Committee told reporters that the mode of factory production and on-site assembly can not only improve the quality of the house, but also reduce on-site construction procedures and construction waste, and shorten the construction time. "Prefabricated construction can be interspersed with construction, and the construction period is much shorter than traditional methods. We have calculated that the construction time of steel structure AAC wall panels can be saved by about 32% compared with concrete structure masonry."

The reporter learned that five major projects, including the rental housing in the Digital Economy Industrial Park and the A-1 plot of rental housing in the integrated resettlement area of the Seven Villages of Sungeng Street, have started construction in the starting area. "After the above-mentioned projects are completed, 9,220 housing units will be provided for the area, which will play a positive role in improving the population carrying capacity of the starting area, gathering popularity and increasing vitality." The staff of the Construction Management Department of the Construction Management Department of the Jinan New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion Starting Area Management Committee said.

Industrial construction helps enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency

The green and low-carbon development of rental housing not only greatly improves the quality and efficiency of project construction, but also provides an effective way for enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

"Compared with traditional construction methods, prefabricated construction avoids wet work on the project site, which can effectively reduce unnecessary labor costs and resource loss during project construction, and greatly shorten the construction period. Green and environmentally friendly materials can also achieve immediate occupancy of tenants and reduce vacancy rates. " Industry insiders told reporters that for rental housing, the hidden cost advantage of prefabricated decoration has become increasingly prominent, and industrialized products are also easy to adjust and facilitate later maintenance and repair. No matter from construction or later operation and maintenance, it can effectively reduce costs and increase efficiency. "Due to the characteristics of design and operation management, rental housing has great advantages in green building practice. For example, the application of technologies such as rainwater recycling and water-saving irrigation will reflect economic and social value in later operation and maintenance, and on the one hand, save costs. On the other hand, it can also promote the good development of the low-carbon economy and build a housing model that can develop circularly.”

Green and low-carbon elements enhance rental happiness

"Compared with traditional rental housing, green rental housing has higher energy utilization efficiency and is more conducive to protecting the environment. Under the 'double carbon' goal, building green, low-carbon, ecologically livable and high-quality rental products will become a new trend in the construction of the rental housing market in Jinan. " The relevant person in charge of Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau told reporters that prefabricated, especially passively built rental housing is used. The thermal insulation and energy-saving performance is usually higher than that of ordinary buildings, which not only improves the living quality, but also directly reduces the cost of electricity consumption and the daily expenses of tenants.

The reporter learned in the interview that the "Jinan Housing Rental Market Development Plan (2021-2025)" proposes to promote green, livable and intelligent rental housing. "Improve the energy efficiency and industrialization level of rental housing, promote the use of prefabricated buildings and standardized components in the construction and decoration links, and promote the application of green building materials."

"After the rental housing project that has already started construction is put into use, it will further reduce the housing cost of young talents, and effectively serve the regional job-housing balance and industrial development." The staff of the Housing and Construction Department of the Construction Management Department of the Management Committee of Jinan New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion Starting Area said that taking the A-6 plot of affordable rental housing in the Cuizhai area as an example, after completion, 2052 suites will provide rental housing for the surrounding Digital Economy and Smart Logistics Industrial Park, Zhongke New Economy Science and Technology Innovation Park, Yingcai College and other parks and school staff.

In the next step, Jinan will continue to take the construction of rental housing as an important measure to improve the housing supply system and meet the diverse housing needs of the masses, continuously improve the attraction, carrying capacity and agglomeration capacity of talents at all levels, and solve more housing problems for "new citizens".

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