Shijiazhuang City vigorously promotes the construction of high-quality green buildings


On August 11, the reporter learned from the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau that Shijiazhuang vigorously develops high-quality green buildings and strictly implements new green building standards. As of July, the city's new green building area reached 2.9147 million square meters this year, and green buildings accounted for more than 98%.

Green building, through energy saving, water saving, land saving, material saving and indoor environment control, comprehensive consideration in the whole process of project design and construction, to further optimize the building space layout, increase the land for greening facilities, expand the shared space, improve energy conservation standards, and reduce building energy consumption.

"The residence is equipped with central air conditioning and air source heat pump hot water system, which applies energy saving to daily life, and the living experience is very good." Mr. Guo, who was walking in the Vanke Zijun Real Estate Project located in Fengshou Road, Chang'an District, said. It is understood that the total construction area of the project is about 130,000 square meters, and it will pass the completion acceptance in July 2021. The design and construction are carried out in accordance with the two-star green building standard, and the prefabricated construction technology is adopted, which reduces the generation of construction waste, saves building materials and construction water, effectively improves the construction site operation conditions, and enhances the level of intelligent construction.

Today, the main body of the Contemporary House real estate project in Luancheng District has been capped, the windows have been installed, and the exterior wall and external insulation construction is underway. The project is all designed and constructed according to the passive ultra-low energy consumption building standards, with an above-ground construction area of about 190,000 square meters, which is currently the second largest passive ultra-low energy consumption building in our city.

"Since this year, our city has vigorously developed high-quality green buildings, strictly implemented new green building standards, encouraged the construction of two-star, three-star and other high-star green buildings, and increased the proportion of high-star green buildings." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that to promote the large-scale development of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings and near-zero energy consumption buildings, the city newly started construction of 168,700 square meters of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings in July. At the same time, the orderly development of prefabricated buildings will promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and green and intelligent construction. This year, the city will start new prefabricated buildings with an area of 1.5393 million square meters, accounting for 28.74% of the prefabricated buildings.

According to the plan, by 2025, the city's newly started construction of star-rated green buildings will account for more than 50% of the new green building area in that year. Urban civil buildings will fully implement ultra-low energy consumption building standards, and a total of more than 3 million square meters of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings and near-zero energy consumption buildings will be built.

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