China's first modular affordable housing project starts in Shenzhen


Recently, the first domestic modular affordable housing project with a height of nearly 100 meters started construction in Longhua District, Shenzhen. The project is planned and constructed by Shenzhen Talent Housing Group Co., Ltd., designed and constructed by China State Construction International Group Co., Ltd., and its subsidiary China Construction Hailong Technology Co., Ltd. is responsible for the intelligent design and production of building units.

The project is located in Zhangkengjing, Longhua District, Shenzhen. It is planned to build five 28-storey, 99.7-meter-high talent security housing, with a total construction area of 158,000 square meters, and is expected to provide 2,740 houses.


Rendering of Shenzhen Longhua Zhangkengjing Plot Project

The talent settlement project is an important starting point for Shenzhen to implement the strategy of strengthening the city with talents. Since its establishment in 2016, Shenzhen Talent Housing Group has been committed to continuously providing high-quality affordable rental housing projects, providing "high-quality, warm and affordable" housing for new citizens and young people.

In the Longhua Zhangkengjing plot project, Shenzhen Talent Housing Group vigorously introduced the core technology of the prefab 4.0 era - MiC (Modular Integrated Construction, Modular Integrated Construction) construction technology.

Due to the prominent feature of "building a house quickly and building a house well", MiC construction technology has become well known in the Hong Kong construction industry in recent years. China State Construction International has used MiC construction technology for many times to undertake the central aided Hong Kong epidemic prevention project: in 2021, it took 120 days to design and build the world's first infectious disease hospital with all MiC negative pressure isolation wards - North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Center. In 2022, two permanent community isolation and treatment facilities in Hong Kong will be completed in 122 days, providing more than 20,000 isolation beds.


The site of the central aided Hong Kong Kai Tak Community Isolation Treatment Facility Project

As the first concrete modular integrated building with a height of nearly 100 meters in China, the project took less than a year to complete. According to the conventional construction method, the completion time will take two to three years.

At the same time, MiC construction technology has broken through the bottleneck that concrete module technology can only be used for low- and middle-rise seismic structures in this project. It adopts cast-in-place concrete shear wall and coupling beam + concrete MIC rapid construction technology, which has significant advantages in earthquake resistance, sound insulation, fire prevention and moisture resistance. The project realizes the mass production of standardized three-dimensional molds, and the decoration can also be completed in the factory at one time.

In addition, digitalization and intelligence run through the whole process of project construction. The project will become the first full-life-cycle digital delivery MiC project in China. The whole process integrates high-tech technologies such as smart design, smart production, smart logistics, and smart operation and maintenance, providing a modern and smart model for the construction of affordable housing in China.

Zhang Haipeng, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of China State Construction International, said: "The Group will innovate and apply a complete set of advanced technologies in the field of modular construction, and strive to build the project into a national demonstration project, image project and brand project for the industrialization of new buildings.

Through the MiC construction technology, the Longhua Zhangkengjing Plot Project will also become a green demonstration project: the amount of construction waste per unit area will not exceed 150 tons per 10,000 square meters, which is more than 75% less than the traditional construction model. The material loss is reduced by about 25% compared with the traditional construction mode. The carbon emission intensity is more than 25% relative to the benchmark building emission reduction rate; the sewage discharge is 100% up to the standard; the energy consumption is reduced by more than 30% relative to the national standard.

"While implementing the mission of 'building houses quickly and building well', I hope this project will play an exemplary and leading role in the development of the national 'dual carbon' strategy and the industrialization of new buildings across the country." Zhao Hongwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shenzhen Talent Housing Group, said.

In addition, Shenzhen Talent Housing Group and China State Construction International innovatively carried out the "co-construction + co-creation" characteristic party building work, fully implemented the green construction and smart construction of the Longhua project, and made every effort to create a sample project of new construction industrialization in China.

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