Baoting County, Hainan Province, explores and promotes the transformation model of prefabricated household toilets to promote rural "toilet revolution"


The rural "toilet revolution" is an important livelihood project. This year Baoting County actively explores a new model of the rural "toilet revolution", promotes the standardization and standardization of toilet reform, and improves the level of waste treatment and resource utilization in rural toilets.

In recent years, Baoting County has actively taken various powerful measures to promote the rural "toilet revolution", continuously increasing the coverage of rural toilets, continuously improving the rural living environment, and enhancing the people's sense of happiness and gain.

During the construction of the toilet, problems such as different standards and septic tank leakage also appeared. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the province’s rural "toilet revolution" anti-leakage renovation work, in July this year, Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County introduced a professional company to pilot a prefabricated household toilet renovation model.

Compared with traditional construction technology, the renovation of prefabricated toilets has the advantages of low cost and short construction period, and can effectively solve the problem of leakage prevention. 

In the pilot implementation of the prefabricated latrine renovation model in Baoting County, the principle of farmers' voluntariness is the main principle. All townships independently cooperate with enterprises, and relevant business departments strengthen guidance and process supervision. Because the prefabricated household toilet renovation model is easier to operate and implement, it has been recognized by all townships and is currently being explored and promoted throughout the county.

Through the pilot promotion of the prefabricated household toilet renovation model, up to now, the county's rural toilet leakage prevention renovation task has started 1,315, with an operating rate of 66%, and 712 completed, with a completion rate of 36%. In addition, Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County has established 15 cleaning teams in 9 towns and villages throughout the county to improve the level of sewage treatment and resource utilization in rural toilets.

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