Renovation of old residential areas in Hebei Province has reached 100%


A few days ago, the Hebei Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Construction System released news at a press conference on the advancement of livelihood projects in the first half of 2022. The province has continued to increase investment in people's livelihood and continued to vigorously promote the renovation of old urban communities. This year, Hebei Province plans to renovate 3,698 old communities, involving 529,000 residents. As of the end of June, construction has all started, and the operating rate has reached 100%.

According to reports, in 2018, Hebei Province started the renovation of old urban communities across the province. Since 2019, the renovation of old communities has been incorporated into the provincial livelihood project for four consecutive years. After years of exploration, the renovation of old urban communities in the province has achieved remarkable results. By the end of 2021, a total of 9,368 old urban communities have been renovated in the province, helping 1.93 million households to improve their living conditions, and the people's sense of gain, happiness and security have been continuously improved.

Start project planning ahead of time. In April 2021, the Office of the Provincial Leading Group for the Transformation of Old Residential Areas issued a notice that while vigorously promoting the renovation of old urban areas this year, the renovation of old urban areas in 2022 will be launched ahead of schedule. All localities have taken active actions, and by the end of 2021, the residents' will solicitation for the 2022 renovation project, the formulation of the renovation plan, the project declaration, and the project establishment have been carried out, laying the foundation for the early start of the project.

Improve the project generation mechanism. Implement the "two-level competitive review" project generation mechanism, that is, according to the construction age of the community, the degree of damage to the house, the degree of damage to the supporting facilities and the lack of supporting facilities, combined with the strong willingness of residents to reform, and the establishment of a long-term management mechanism after the reform, a comprehensive quantitative score is carried out for the community to be reformed, and the priority of reform is determined according to the score. Priority will be given to the inclusion of communities with high comprehensive scores into the annual renovation plan, to stimulate the initiative of community residents to participate in the renovation, and to change "I want to change" to "I want to change". At the same time, the process of generating renovation projects is refined, from the submission of applications by residents, to the community organizations in the street to solicit opinions from residents to determine the renovation project reserve and renovation plan, and then to the county and city levels of competitive review to determine the renovation plan, which will be clarified one by one.

Implement the "handheld office" optimization service. Overcome the impact of the epidemic, give full play to the WeChat public account of "Renovation of Old Residential Areas in Hebei" and the statistical system of residents' willingness to renovate old urban areas, and solicit the will of residents in the community through online "a la carte". By scanning the QR code of the WeChat official account of "Renovation of Old Residential Areas in Hebei", the residents of the community can enter their willingness to reform online. The residents' willingness statistics system can summarize and sort the willingness of the residents in the community in real time, reducing the burden on the grass-roots community staff. It effectively improves work efficiency while avoiding close contact, which is conducive to epidemic prevention and control.

In the next step, Hebei Province will organize and carry out demonstration and observation activities for the renovation project of old urban communities in the province, give full play to the typical leading role of excellent renovation communities, and promote the overall improvement of the renovation level of old communities in the province. At the same time, according to the "two-level competitive review" old community renovation project generation mechanism, the 2023 project application will be carried out in advance to lay a solid foundation for next year's work.

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