Inner Mongolia: Star-rated green buildings and prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of new buildings in 2025


On August 5, the General Office of the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued a notice on several measures in the autonomous region to promote the high-quality development of the construction industry. The measures proposed to vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, green buildings, and ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Incorporate the prefabricated construction industry base (park) into the scope of the key demonstration parks in the autonomous region, and enjoy the relevant policies of the new-type industrialization demonstration parks. The prefabricated parts production base provides land support in accordance with the industrial land policy. Support all leagues and cities to study and formulate FAR incentive policies according to local conditions. Qualified autonomous prefabricated building demonstration projects, enterprises that use solid waste to produce building materials and parts and components can enjoy relevant preferential tax policies according to regulations. Prefabricated buildings with an assembly rate of more than 50% can be tendered according to technically complex engineering projects. Actively promote green buildings, state-invested housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects were awarded one-star, two-star, and three-star green buildings, and the total pre-tax project cost increased by 0.3%, 0.7%, and 1.0% respectively. In 2025, the proportion of star-rated green buildings and prefabricated buildings in the region will reach 30% of new buildings.

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