This year, the prefabricated area of newly started civil buildings in Yantai will reach 40%


Recently, Ruili Data released the "Summary of Yantai Real Estate Market in the First Half of 2022". The summary pointed out that on March 9, Yantai City issued the "Notice on Implementing Requirements for Prefabricated Buildings in the Design Stage" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which clarified that the proportion of newly constructed prefabricated buildings in the city will account for more than 40% of the newly built buildings in 2022, and will increase year by year. By 2025, it will reach 60% .

The "Notice" clarifies that from the date of issuance of the document, the prefabricated construction area of newly transferred development and construction projects should account for more than 40% of the total construction area of the project, and it should be agreed in the land transfer document or construction condition opinion letter. For the development and construction projects that have been assigned, the agreed projects will continue to be implemented in accordance with the relevant agreements. For projects without an agreement, if the construction drawings are submitted for review before May 31, 2022 and all the necessary elements are complete for acceptance, it can be implemented according to the requirements that the construction area of the prefabricated construction method is not less than 30% and the assembly rate is not less than 30%. If the construction drawings are submitted for review after May 31, 2022, they will all be implemented in accordance with the requirements of new development and construction projects in 2022, that is, the prefabricated building area accounts for not less than 40% and meets the relevant regulations of Shandong Province's "Evaluation Standards for Prefabricated Buildings".

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