Suqian City, Jiangsu Province increases efforts to promote the development of prefabricated construction industry


In order to further actively implement the concept of "speeding up the modernization of the construction industry" clearly put forward by the state in deepening the reform of the construction industry, and to accelerate the modernization of the construction industry in Suqian, a series of positive and effective measures have been taken.

One is to increase policy support. Suqian City has successively introduced relevant policies and measures to continue to promote the development of prefabricated buildings, and through incentive policies to enhance the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in prefabricated buildings. For prefabricated commercial housing projects that meet the annual development goals and the construction progress reaches the second floor, the "Commercial Housing Pre-sale Permit" can be processed in advance. If a house buyer buys a commercial house with prefabricated buildings, the housing provident fund loan amount can be increased by 20%, and the amount after the increase will not exceed the maximum loan limit.

The second is to strengthen the cultivation of demonstration bases. Jiangsu Yuanda Construction Technology Co., Ltd., which is a national and provincial prefabricated building demonstration base, Huajiang Siyang Modern Development Technology Co., Ltd., a provincial prefabricated building demonstration base, and Jiangsu Zhengtai Architectural Design Co., Ltd., which is a provincial-level design and research and development category, are the demonstration leaders, and actively promote the development of prefabricated buildings in Suqian city.

The third is to refine the industrial objectives and tasks. Guided by the "Implementation Opinions of the Municipal Government on Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings", the city's prefabricated building industry modernization goals are decomposed in stages, and long-term goal planning is formulated to clarify the development tasks at each stage.

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