Green building materials go to the countryside to help the construction of beautiful countryside! Nanjing has released 408 green building materials products


On July 28, Nanjing Green Building and Green Building Materials Development Center, together with the Urban Construction Bureau of Liuhe District and the People's Government of Zhuzhen Town, Liuhe District, held the activity of "Promoting Green Building Materials to Help Rural Revitalization". The reporter was informed that while consolidating the achievements of "no sticking", Nanjing will increase the promotion of green building materials in rural construction.

In the past, clay bricks were commonly used in rural housing construction. This material has high energy consumption, serious land destruction and poor thermal insulation performance. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the streets and towns in Nanjing regard "no sticking" and the promotion and application of new wall materials as an important part of construction management. Before approving self-built houses in rural areas, townships and sub-districts should publicize the hazards of clay bricks to house builders, and require them to promise not to use clay bricks, pay a security deposit before the start of construction, and return it after the house construction is completed and passed the acceptance check. This method effectively solves the difficulty of using clay bricks in disorder in rural self-built houses.

Urban and rural construction is one of the main areas of carbon emissions. This year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission formulated the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Urban and Rural Construction, requiring the promotion of green and low-carbon rural housing construction.

After the clay bricks are no longer used, what materials should be used in rural construction? According to the relevant person in charge of Nanjing Green Building Center, it is recommended to use green building materials that are heat-insulating, lightweight, energy-saving and waste-friendly, so as to achieve the purpose of saving energy, saving farmland, improving building functions, and promoting technological progress in the construction and building materials industries. This will play a huge role in promoting energy conservation and emission reduction and the implementation of "double carbon".

The relevant staff of the Science and Technology Development Center of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province said that green transformation in rural construction should be carried out on the basis of ensuring structural safety and under the concept of giving priority to passive technology. For example, you can give priority to the renovation of doors and windows, and use hollow heat-insulating windows, which are more cost-effective, and the indoor environment can be improved after window renovation, so that the house will not be too hot in summer and not too cold in winter.

Zhuzhen Town, Liuhe District, has vigorously developed the tourism and homestay industry in recent years, and one of the key tasks is to renovate the dwellings in the Meiyun Group of Daquan Village. During the renovation, Zhuzhen Town has been inclined to new materials in the selection of building materials. Before a renovated house was completed, the staff of the town's construction center introduced that the house uses a prefabricated light steel structure, which is much more environmentally friendly than using brick and wood, and the cost is lower than the original brick and wood structure. .

The reporter learned from the Nanjing Green Construction Center that to promote urban renewal actions and rural construction actions, accelerate the transformation of urban and rural construction methods, and improve the quality of green and low-carbon development, Nanjing has been carrying out green and low-carbon pilot projects in the construction field in recent years. From the demonstration of renewable energy and the improvement of energy efficiency of public buildings to the pilot projects of government procurement to support green building materials to improve building quality, we have made solid progress in various tasks. In order to facilitate users' inquiry and selection, Nanjing has established a green building materials product information application platform, handled and released five batches of green building materials product registrations, with a total of 408 products from 174 companies. In terms of promoting green building materials certification, currently 13 building materials companies and 52 products in Nanjing have obtained green building materials certification. Green building materials certified products include eight categories: prefabricated components, masonry materials, thermal insulation system materials, wall coatings, photovoltaic modules, ready-mixed concrete, ready-mixed mortar, and concrete admixtures.

At present, the pilot work of green building materials in Nanjing has entered a stage of comprehensive promotion. It is reported that Nanjing will further improve the standard requirements of green building materials, take the user side as a breakthrough, promote the upgrading of production side, speed up the adjustment of the industrial structure of green building materials, realize the high-quality development of green building materials, and let green buildings help the implementation of "dual carbon" in the field of urban and rural construction.

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