The operating rate of renovation of old urban communities in Hebei Province is the first in China to reach 100%


"In 2022, the province plans to renovate 3,698 old communities, involving 529,000 residents. As of the end of June, construction has all started, and the operating rate is the first in the country to reach 100%."

The reporter learned from the press conference on "Promotion of People's Livelihood Projects in the First Half of 2022 of the Housing and Construction System in Hebei Province" held by the Information Office of the Hebei Provincial Government. 1.93 million households have been helped to improve their living conditions, and remarkable results have been achieved in the renovation of old urban communities across the province.


The scene of the press conference on "Promotion of People's Livelihood Projects of Hebei Housing Construction System in the First Half of 2022"

It is understood that in 2018, Hebei Province took the lead in launching the renovation of old urban communities in the whole province. Since 2019, the renovation of old communities has been included in the provincial livelihood project for four consecutive years. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development highly affirmed Hebei Province's insistence on promoting the transformation of old urban communities with people as the center, advanced planning, promoting construction through evaluation, and "grid-based" precise supervision and other innovative experiences and practices, and promoted them nationwide.

In 2022, on the basis of summarizing the work experience of the past four years, the Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will adopt advanced planning to improve the generation mechanism of urban old community renovation projects, and implement a "two-level competitive review" project generation mechanism. Refinement of the transformation project generation process, implementation of "hand-held office" optimization and transformation services, online "a la carte" to solicit the wishes of community residents and other new measures, continue to vigorously promote the renovation of old urban communities.

In the next step, the Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development will organize demonstration and observation activities for the renovation project of old urban communities in the province, give full play to the typical leading role of excellent renovation communities, and promote the overall improvement of the renovation level of old communities in the province. At the same time, do a good job of starting the work in 2023. According to the "two-level competitive review" old community renovation project generation mechanism, the 2023 renovation project declaration will be carried out in advance to lay a solid foundation for next year's work.

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