Xiamen's prefabricated buildings have grown rapidly in recent years



The reporter learned from the Xiamen Construction Bureau that at present, Xiamen is vigorously developing prefabricated buildings and has made certain progress. Data show that from January to June this year, Xiamen Design recognized 6 prefabricated building projects, with a total construction area of 686,000 square meters and an assembly area of 490,000 square meters, a year-on-year increase of 176%.

It is reported that from 2017 to the first half of 2022, Xiamen has identified a total of 29 prefabricated construction projects, covering commercial housing, resettlement houses, offices, hotels, schools, pensions, factories and other buildings. Among them, the area of commercial housing accounted for the highest, more than 60%. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 3 commercial housing projects in Xiamen have been assembled and constructed by themselves, including 3 development companies such as China Shipping, Orbit, and Lianfa, which have taken the initiative to choose their own assembly and construction methods for off-island projects.

What is a prefabricated building? The construction party processes the prefabricated components in advance in the factory, and sends them to the construction site for "assembly". Each prefabricated panel is installed in the corresponding position, and the building prototype is basically completed. This is how prefabricated buildings are built, just like "building blocks".

Since the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Xiamen" was officially issued in April 2020, Xiamen's prefabricated buildings have shown a momentum of steady development. Nine departments including the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued a document last year, demanding that the reform of construction methods be promoted. By 2025, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the province should account for more than 35% of the construction area of new buildings, and Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and other places should play an exemplary role.

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