Yutian County, Hebei Province: Production and sales of prefabricated buildings are booming



In the midsummer season, in the prefabricated construction production workshop of Jinyu Housing Industrialization (Tangshan) Co., Ltd. in Yutian County, Hebei Province, workers are working overtime to make prefabricated construction orders for the supporting facilities of Beijing Daxing International Airport. The workshop is busy.

Zhang Jia, deputy director of the office of BBMG Housing Industrialization (Tangshan) Co., Ltd.: Since the beginning of this year, our company has received orders for prefabricated buildings of more than 100,000 cubic meters in Beijing and Tianjin, equivalent to a construction area of more than 800,000 square meters. Compared with the whole year of last year, it has doubled, and the company's efficiency is getting better and better.

In recent years, Yutian County has seized the opportunity of coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, aimed at the market demand of infrastructure construction in Beijing and Tianjin, and vigorously developed the prefabricated building manufacturing industry with less building pollution, low energy consumption and high resource utilization rate. At present, there are 13 prefabricated building production enterprises in the county, with an annual output value of 3.6 billion yuan, and the market is showing a boom in production and sales.

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