Energy-saving renovation of existing buildings in Shanxi Province will exceed 30 million square meters


On July 22, news came from the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shanxi Province that the "14th Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Conservation, Green Building and Technology Standards in Shanxi Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") was issued a few days ago. In five years, Shanxi Province will complete the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings with an area of more than 30 million square meters, and promote prefabricated buildings to account for 30% of the new urban construction area.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the energy-saving standards for new residential buildings in Shanxi Province have been raised from 65% to 75%. The area of new green buildings is 42.962 million square meters, the area of energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings is 43.348 million square meters, and the area of prefabricated buildings is 18.0938 million square meters. Combined with the development requirements of the new era such as the carbon-neutral vision of carbon peak and the green development strategy of urban and rural construction, the "Plan" clarifies the development goals and main tasks of Shanxi Province's building energy conservation, green building and technology standards during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. By 2025, building energy efficiency will steadily improve. The building energy structure is gradually optimized, a green, low-carbon, and circular construction and development mode is basically formed, the technological innovation and standard system are basically perfect, and the technological innovation capability is significantly enhanced, providing strong technical support for the innovation and development of the housing construction field.

The "Planning" defines four tasks: improving the energy efficiency of buildings, promoting the high-quality development of green buildings, promoting technological innovation in construction, and promoting the transformation and development of standardized construction.

In terms of improving the energy efficiency of buildings, we will further accelerate the improvement of energy efficiency of new buildings, continue to promote energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, improve the application level of renewable energy buildings, promote the implementation of building electrification projects, promote the improvement of energy efficiency of rural buildings, and carry out pilot projects for energy efficiency in industrial buildings. The energy efficiency of new residential buildings and public buildings will be increased by 30% and 20% respectively.

In terms of promoting the high-quality development of green buildings, promote the full implementation of green building standards in new buildings, promote the construction of green building demonstration areas, vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, create green building innovation projects, standardize green building identification and management, and promote the promotion and application of green building materials . By 2025, the proportion of urban green buildings in new buildings will reach 100%, and the proportion of one-star and above green buildings will reach 30%.

In terms of promoting the construction of scientific and technological innovation drive, strengthen top-level design and improve the innovation system; focus on the development direction of the industry, promote key technological innovation; strengthen scientific and technological project management, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

In terms of promoting the transformation and development of standardization construction, build a new standard system, improve the local standard framework, guide the establishment of standard projects, improve the quality of standard preparation, do a good job in standard publicity and training, strengthen standard implementation supervision and management, and strengthen standard implementation evaluation.

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