In the first half of the year, the total output value of the construction industry in Shanxi Province increased by 9.8%


Recently, data released by the Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics showed that in the first half of this year, the total output value of the province's construction industry completed 226.32 billion yuan, an increase of 9.8%. In terms of growth, it was 2.2 percentage points higher than the national level.

The labor productivity of the construction industry has increased steadily. At the end of June, the province's construction enterprises employed 735,000 people, an increase of 6.6%, an increase of 2.9 percentage points over the same period of the previous year.

The cultivation of market players has achieved initial results. Since last year, there have been 732 new construction enterprises above the qualification in the province, accounting for 17.5% of the number of construction enterprises above the qualification in the province. In the first half of this year, the output value was 6.99 billion yuan, accounting for 3.1% of the province's total construction output value, driving the province's total construction industry output value to increase by 3.4 percentage points.

New housing starts fell. The construction area of housing construction of construction enterprises in the province was 185.856 million square meters, an increase of 14.4%, and the increase rate was 7.3 percentage points lower than that of the same period of the previous year. Among them, the newly started housing area was 29.166 million square meters, down 7.7%.

The value of newly signed contracts fell. The contract value signed by general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with workload in the province was 922.78 billion yuan, an increase of 4.9%. Among them, the newly signed contract value was 322.13 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.6%, and the proportion of the total contract value of the enterprise decreased from 37.8% in the same period of the previous year to 34.9%.

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