By 2025, new urban buildings in China will fully implement green building standards


The reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that by 2025, new urban buildings in China will fully implement green building standards, with star-rated green buildings accounting for more than 30%. New government-invested public-interest public buildings and large-scale public buildings should all be one-star or above.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued an implementation plan for carbon peaking in urban and rural construction. The implementation plan proposes that before 2030, carbon emissions in urban and rural construction will reach a peak. A green and low-carbon development policy system and institutional mechanism for urban and rural construction have been basically established.

According to the implementation plan, before 2030, the level of building energy conservation and the utilization of waste resources will be greatly improved, and the utilization efficiency of energy resources will reach the international advanced level; Positive progress has been made in the green and low-carbon transformation of urban and rural construction methods, and the “massive construction, massive consumption, and massive emissions” have basically been reversed; the urban integrity, systematization, and growth have been enhanced, and the “urban disease” problem has been initially resolved.

In building a green and low-carbon city, it is necessary to optimize the urban structure and layout. Actively carry out green and low-carbon city construction and promote group development. The area of each group shall not exceed 50 square kilometers, the average population density in the group shall not exceed 10,000 people per square kilometer in principle, and the maximum of individual sections shall not exceed 15,000 people per square kilometer. Strictly control the construction of new super high-rise buildings, generally not to build new super high-rise residential buildings.

At the same time, strictly manage the demolition of existing buildings, and insist on promoting urban renewal from "demolition and retention" to "retention and demolition". Except for illegal buildings and buildings that have been identified as dilapidated houses by professional institutions and have no value for repair and preservation, existing buildings are not to be demolished on a large scale or in groups. In principle, the demolished building area of the urban renewal unit (area) or the project should not be greater than 20% of the current total building area. Revitalize the existing houses and reduce all kinds of vacant houses.

The implementation plan also proposes to carry out the construction of green and low-carbon county towns, and build an intensive, economical and pleasant-scale county town pattern. The height of the building should match the fire rescue capability. Newly built residential buildings should be mainly 6-storeys, with a maximum of no more than 18 floors. The floor area of residential buildings with 6-storeys and below should account for no less than 70%. If it is really necessary to build a residential building with more than 18 floors, it should be strictly and fully demonstrated, and the construction of fire emergency emergency and municipal supporting facilities should be in place.

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