Green buildings account for 100% of new civil buildings in Jinan cities and towns


On July 18, the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government held a press conference to introduce and interpret the recently issued "14th Five-Year Plan for Green, Low-Carbon and Circular Development of Jinan City". The reporter learned that Jinan is accelerating the promotion of green and low-carbon development in the construction sector, and green buildings account for 100% of new urban civil buildings.

Zhang Qinghua, deputy bureau-level leading cadre of Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, introduced that since 2015, Jinan has taken the lead in realizing the full implementation of green building design standards for all new buildings within the planning area. From 2019 onwards, public buildings and other large public buildings with government investment or mainly government investment shall be constructed in accordance with the green building standards of two stars or above; in 2020, it is proposed that other investment public buildings be constructed in accordance with the green building standards of one star or above; In 2022, it is proposed that the green building level of new super high-rise buildings should not be lower than the three-star standard, and the commercial residential quarters with a construction area of more than 200,000 square meters should be constructed in accordance with the two-star or above green building standard. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Jinan built 67.161 million square meters of green buildings; in 2021, Jinan will add 31.8956 million square meters of green buildings.

Since 2021, the bureau has organized experts to review the design documents of high-quality building projects such as high-star green buildings, high-star healthy buildings, prefabricated buildings, and ultra-low energy buildings, totaling 5.327 million square meters. The development speed and construction level of high-quality buildings and various low-carbon parks in Jinan have been significantly improved.

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