In the first half of the year, newly constructed prefabricated buildings in Hainan Province accounted for more than 60% of the new construction area


With the increase of policy-driven and endogenous power in the market, prefabricated buildings in Hainan have developed rapidly. On July 16, the reporter learned from the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that as of the end of June, the construction area of projects that have clearly adopted prefabricated construction in the province this year is about 9.1 million square meters, accounting for more than 60% of the newly added construction area in the province.

Since 2018, Hainan Province has continuously improved the top-level design framework at the provincial level such as supporting policies, standard systems, production capacity layout, and talent team construction for prefabricated buildings. In 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, the areas of prefabricated projects in the province were 810,000 square meters, 4.35 million square meters, 11 million square meters, and 22.8 million square meters respectively, doubling year by year for four consecutive years.

On the construction site of the second-phase project of Dongzhaigang New Residence in Haikou Jiangdong New Area, there was no massive accumulation of cement, sand and gravel, and there was no roaring operation of mixer trucks. Yang Hongwei, the production manager of the project, said that the project adopts prefabricated construction, and components such as stairs, floor slabs, and lightweight partition panels are produced in the factory, which greatly reduces dust, noise and other pollution on the construction site, as well as construction waste.

According to the statistics of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development, in 2021, the province will achieve a reduction of about 450,000 tons of construction waste at the source. There are 33 prefabricated component production bases in operation in the province, which can basically meet the needs of prefabricated components in Hainan Province. This year, Hainan Province will vigorously promote prefabricated interior decoration, promote the expansion and application of prefabricated construction technology from housing construction engineering to municipal engineering, and promote the basic formation of prefabricated construction industry chain.

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